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I still get my Winter Fuel Allowance 2 Weeks, 4 Days ago
Sadly I'm no longer the millionaire others thought I was (mainly due to legal costs). I could never have fought the 2018 False Allegations without Legal Aid.
Re:I still get my Winter Fuel Allowance 2 Weeks, 3 Days ago
You don't do too bad for someone who claims not to be a millionaire. Spend months abroad every year, drive a Rolls Royce, eat the finest food. There's no way that you're not a millionaire.
Re:I still get my Winter Fuel Allowance 2 Weeks, 3 Days ago
I wish. Millionaires don't get granted legal aid. DOH! Only dummies assume Rolls Royces are worth much. My lovely old 1995 one would get about £5K if sold! Thank God for companies and friends who back our projects, even when they don't earn much. Every penny I made over the years got spent in 2001. Legal costs were enormous. These days Crowfunding can cover things like that but not 24 years ago.
Re:I still get my Winter Fuel Allowance 2 Weeks, 3 Days ago
For old things yes it's only recent stuff that escapes me. At the moment. But we do have incredible ARCHIVES - example; in a previous post you go on about Simone Biles. The internet is a brilliant memory keeper.
Re:I still get my Winter Fuel Allowance 2 Weeks, 2 Days ago
I was lucky enough to have a brilliant lawyer in 2018 on Legal Aid who had worked for them before and knew how to apply. Every hurdle was jumped over - bank statements going back ten years; interviews with accountants and bank people. GRANTED (with a hefty payment that I would lose if I lost at trial but would be returned if I won - which I did). That was 2018 - since then massive expenses, minimal income. Ask anyone who's been in prison - you simply cannot earn any longer (and my wrongful conviction was in 2001 - 23 years ago - no income). Thank God for friends, companies and those who hold the faith.
Re:I still get my Winter Fuel Allowance 2 Weeks, 2 Days ago
Load of bollocks. If you're not a millionaire, then nobody is. I used the Rolls Royce as an example amongst many things. Only a dummie would try and plead poverty whilst living the high life. You were born into privilege and have never done a proper days work in your life.
Re:I still get my Winter Fuel Allowance 2 Weeks, 2 Days ago
No. I have no working brain cells. I'm from a working class background and went to the local comprehensive school. My parents weren't middle class and couldn't afford to pamper me. The people you abused probably had no brain cells either they still got the better of you though for all your money and education.
Re:I still get my Winter Fuel Allowance 2 Weeks, 2 Days ago
Jealousy is never pretty.
For those wondering, to get pension credit, which means you qualify for the fuel payment, your income needs to be less than £218.15 per week.
You can also (occasionally) qualify through certain disability benefits etc.