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TOPIC: Now would be a good time

Now would be a good time 1 Month ago  
For the UK to join the EU
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Re:Now would be a good time 1 Month ago  

We look like a very lonely relatively undefended little island right now. It was always the danger, and very obviously likely even back at the vote.

Trump's pals in Moscow will be delighted.

My goodness we are a stupid country.
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Green Man

Re:Now would be a good time 1 Month ago  
Wyot wrote:

We look like a very lonely relatively undefended little island right now. It was always the danger, and very obviously likely even back at the vote.

Trump's pals in Moscow will be delighted.

My goodness we are a stupid country.

Blame Tories and Labour for letting in thousands of men of fighting age coming over with no ID or no intelligence on who they are.

We can't deport them because they come over with dodgy paperwork or nothing at all. They pretend to be kids like the murderer in Bournemouth. He pretended to be a young teenager, went to a local school, got into fights with pupils and killed people in the Middle East, he is one of many.

There are people with paranoia scared of Orange Man Bad.
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