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TOPIC: so odd

so odd 4 Weeks, 1 Day ago  
So 15 million or so Democrats stayed home and didn't vote which is rather odd.

Yet in the so-called "swing states" Democrats- Governors, senators etc performed really well with many elected yet the same Democrat voters didn't vote for Harris. Wonder why?

Still Donald said he had the votes and didn't even need his MAGA votes at several of his rallies so he had good foresight. As well as saying they'd not need to vote again.

Then again he does say odd things that never eventuate along with some wacky stuff like what a great actor Hannibal Lecter is.

One could post endless TikTok videos which are hardly indicative of the views of some 150 million voters but one really caught my eye which was rather sad..

A Latino man saying he and his family voted for Trump and he felt sure his Latino parents who were undocumented but had built a good life with good jobs would be safe from deportation.

And then I came across a twitter/ x post by the scary Stephen Miller who is pretty powerful in the Trump camp saying the previous Trump administration started deporting illegals but this time it will be on steroids and the National Guard will be used to round them up.
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Re:so odd 4 Weeks ago  
It is strange that voters in swing states returned democratic governors, etc. but voted for Trump. Perhaps they were more familiar with these people than with Kamala Harris and trusted them more. There was a video in a BBC article last week with Americans saying why they thought Trump won/Harris lost and one said it was because Harris was an unknown quantity.

I see that Nancy Pelosi is criticising Biden for not pulling out earlier, which would have allowed a process of selecting a candidate. That also sounds to me like a criticism of Harris, as if Pelosi thinks someone else would have done better.
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Re:so odd 4 Weeks ago  
Looking at the latest figures as of Saturday night, Harris has just passed 70 million votes and Trump has just passed the figure he got in 2020, which was nearly 12 million more than he got in 2016. He has close to 74.5 million and is 4 million ahead of Harris. For some reason Arizona still has still not declared - why? But Biden won with 81 million in 2020. This was up a staggering 16 million on Clinton 4 years earlier in 2016, yet Harris is clearly massively down 11 million of them again.

This trajectory does seem a bit odd looking, a massive sudden rise and then fall again for the Democrats, while Trump was steady.

Democrats 2016 - 65.85 million Republicans 2016 - 62.98 million
2020 - 81.28 million 2020 - 74.22 million
2024 - 70.46 million 2024 - 74.38 million

The 2016 amnd 2024 votes are broadly in line with Obama's two votes, making Biden's 81 million spike seem a curious outlier to say the least. Trump's 74 million last time in 2020 wpould normally have easily won him an election.

Among all the commentary about this election I have yet to hear anyone try to account for why that figure spiked so dramatically last time, and where all those voters have vanished to. You would have thought a determined anti-Trump block that wnated to keep him out last time would have been even more determined this time.

Odd indeed.
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