Starmer is following Blair and Brown, I feel like I have gone back in time 20 years. Arm foreign nations to the teeth, invade and ASBOS to kids. The police can't do much if kids are underage, I think in Greece the parents also have to go to court if their child did something illegal.
I remember seeing a TV show about the Oakley brothers, their Dad was pretty much a deadbeat and played the victim a lot. He was also very homophobic and never showed the boys any affection. I also remember seeing clips of them on Jeremy Kyle, While Kyle had a word with the lads, he tore into the father even when his son came out he looked disgusted. All their antics would have been avoided if he knew how to be a Dad, it's like they were yobs to get attention.
Getting an ASBO was a badge of honour to many. In the article only a handful of them have not committed crimes since maturing some have grown up even more bloodless and sadistic.
Another problem is that parents want to be cool parents instead of being lame and authoritative they want to be their children's buddies and get them involved in their parent's criminality.