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Re:Social Media Ban - Australia 2 Weeks, 2 Days ago
Social Media should have been or at least regulated decades ago. The brain was not designed for endless scrolling, reading comments and doing crazy shit to get those "Likes". The government needs to forget about imaginary hate speech. Just focus on the bizarre trends on TikTok. People need to find another way to fulfil their dopamine addictions.
Re:Social Media Ban - Australia 2 Weeks, 2 Days ago
It is a massive and concerning problem for children, but I don't think legislation is the answer.
The genie is out of the bottle with the tech. I suspect many will just find a way around it regardless. I know I sound like a broken record on this issue, but parenting is central, not top down legislation.
I have children in this age zone. I know parents who parent on this issue and others; and in general the emotional well being of their children is fine.
I think the much bigger problem for society is parents who expect the state to somehow magically turn out well adjusted adults on their behalf.