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TOPIC: Woody Allen

Woody Allen 4 Days, 18 Hours ago  
Twitter or X is aflame with that old chestnut that Woody Allen married his adopted step daughter.

It's so odd how these persistent fabrications never die in this age of social media.

Woody Allen of course married the adopted daughter, Soon Yi, of Mia Farrow and her husband Andre Previn and possibly her then name, Soon Yi Previn gives the game away.

Allen never lived with or married Mia Farrow.

Really Elon Musk has opened a can of worms embarking on the "child abuse" controversy and just brought the spotlight on his creepy father who impregnated his adopted daughter.

Which makes Musk her uncle and step brother at the same time but apparently none of them speak to each other.

I guess it makes him also the stepbrother of the 2 children his father produced by her & their uncle once removed.

God only knows where all this calamity will end. I'm annoyed because I think Musk risks aiding Keir Starmer with his accusations.

Still the US debate about HI8 visas for Indian immigrants to replace US workers as promoted by Trump and Musk but upset MAGA has evaporated !
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