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Been reading a lot lately about the teachings of Jesus (maybe I'll meet him soon) and I simply cannot find a word I disagree with.
My Mother's Jewish parents belonged to a sort of cult but one which had few nutty restrictions rather it was based around Jesus.
It was called The House of David and still exists in the States where they lived for many years.My Grandfather was a Jesus devotee.
The men didn't cut their hair and they ran a sort of theme park in Michigan which had a popular vegetarian restaurant and a model train ride which Michael Jackson later bought for his Neverland ranch !!
But I wonder if anyone has criticisms of Jesus? (he'd be in an Israeli jail today)
Luke 14:26
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters--yes, even their own life--such a person cannot be my disciple.”
Matthew 6:25
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes”
Luke 19:26
“I tell you that everyone who has will be given more; but the one who does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.”
John 6:53-58 New King James Version (NKJV)
Then Jesus said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you.
Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day".
What an ego, then most cult leaders do have an ego. Many of the died young.
Jeremiah 19:9. Is a very creepy. No wonder he was the Weeping Prophet. He was driven insane and probably was full of kuru and a paranoid schizophrenia.
Watch Trump squirming here, faffing with his order of service and whispering to Melania. He clearly doesn't want to hear what the bishop has to say, e.g. about humility and showing mercy to immigrants and LGBTQ people. And this is the man who implied he believed in God because he thought divine intervention saved him from the would-be assassin's bullet and the man the Christian evangelicals seem to want.
Jo, Trump probably knows the story about Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot's wife and read the scriptures in Leviticus. It's a sin to be LGBTQ. It's all in the so-called Good Book.
Did you read about Timothy 2:12?
But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
Corinthians 14:34-35
Women are to be silent in the churches. They are not permitted to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says. / If they wish to inquire about something, they are to ask their own husbands at home; for it is dishonorable for a woman to speak in the church.
CNN (and all the other mainstream media) seems more reliable to me than conspiracy theory videos from random people on YouTube, but maybe that's just me.
hedda wrote: I thought that Bishop was quite tame. And very brave.
If Jesus didn't exist, which is possible, who on earth was the absolute genius that created the Christianity cult now with over a billion followers ?.
He or she pulled off the greatest scam in history.
Someone who wanted to control the masses. Religion is about control and money and why do religions contradict themselves? More people go to sports games on Sundays than they do going to places of worship.
CNN got sued to buggery by Nick Sandmann and Kyle Rittenhouse! What do you consider a conspiracy theory Jo?
Jo wrote: It's a broadcast by CNN with no commentary.
CNN (and all the other mainstream media) seems more reliable to me than conspiracy theory videos from random people on YouTube, but maybe that's just me.
Reminded me of the lads at school going to the local church. We would listen to the Priest at the start. Then eventually we would whisper amongst ourselfs, play cards, giggle at the swear words in the Bible or have a mirco sleep. Getting kicked out of the church was the reaction we all wanted.
One kid got the whole year sent back to class, when he laughed about Jesus being whipped and stripped followed by the "Kinky buggers".
Green Man wrote: hedda wrote: I thought that Bishop was quite tame. And very brave.
If Jesus didn't exist, which is possible, who on earth was the absolute genius that created the Christianity cult now with over a billion followers ?.
He or she pulled off the greatest scam in history.
Someone who wanted to control the masses. Religion is about control and money and why do religions contradict themselves? More people go to sports games on Sundays than they do going to places of worship.
CNN got sued to buggery by Nick Sandmann and Kyle Rittenhouse! What do you consider a conspiracy theory Jo? Wonders why it is then that Islamophobes keep harking on about this being a Christian Country and terrified of the Unicorn that is Sharia Law? The we have Richard Tice's missus who didn't stop hating Muslims in the UK and then moves to Dubai. lol.
Paganism didn't bring in any cash. Pagans were much too woke. When men realised they could terrify the masses wearing pointy hats and hoodies with threats of eternal fire and damnation they knew they'd hit the jackpot. Pagans were ostracised and went off to write for the Guardian.
Jo wrote: Watch Trump squirming here, faffing with his order of service and whispering to Melania. He clearly doesn't want to hear what the bishop has to say, e.g. about humility and showing mercy to immigrants and LGBTQ people. And this is the man who implied he believed in God because he thought divine intervention saved him from the would-be assassin's bullet and the man the Christian evangelicals seem to want.
That was neither the time nor the place for that sermon. She clearly set out to deliberately politicise that religious service to make her name and as far as I'm concerned religion and politics in the West should not be mixed, certainly so blatantly. I think what happpened here says more about the Bishop than those she preached down to. It was VP Vance who looked more annoyed I thought. It didn't surprise me to see Channel 4 News making a big evening meal of this story tonight. The penny/dime just refuses to drop with some of these people even now about why Donald Trump is once again the President of the United States. Are they interested in really understanding the new reality or not? Trump hid nothing about his intentions and won.
Huge numbers of immigrants and gay people voted for Trump also and support him, as well as blacks and latinos, and agree with Trump's agenda.
I'm a bit uneasy on thew January 6th issue but that's another topic, so I'm not uncritical by any means.
Rich wrote: Jo wrote: Watch Trump squirming here, faffing with his order of service and whispering to Melania. He clearly doesn't want to hear what the bishop has to say, e.g. about humility and showing mercy to immigrants and LGBTQ people. And this is the man who implied he believed in God because he thought divine intervention saved him from the would-be assassin's bullet and the man the Christian evangelicals seem to want.
That was neither the time nor the place for that sermon. She clearly set out to deliberately politicise that religious service to make her name and as far as I'm concerned religion and politics in the West should not be mixed, certainly so blatantly. I think what happpened here says more about the Bishop than those she preached down to. It was VP Vance who looked more annoyed I thought. It didn't surprise me to see Channel 4 News making a big evening meal of this story tonight. The penny/dime just refuses to drop with some of these people even now about why Donald Trump is once again the President of the United States. Are they interested in really understanding the new reality or not? Trump hid nothing about his intentions and won.
Huge numbers of immigrants and gay people voted for Trump also and support him, as well as blacks and latinos, and agree with Trump's agenda.
I'm a bit uneasy on thew January 6th issue but that's another topic, so I'm not uncritical by any means.
The Bishop was just doing her job.
Pleading for consideration for vulnerable people is only "political" if you think politics is all there is.
Baby Trump, of course, can't take it.
A grown up would have responded by acknowledging her very real concerns, re iterating his concerns about the issue, and outlining how his policy will be implemented as humanely as possible.
This would be impossible for his limited brain to do or for his followers to receive as the response of a "strong man", which they continually mistake Trump for.
Rich wrote: Jo wrote: Watch Trump squirming here, faffing with his order of service and whispering to Melania. He clearly doesn't want to hear what the bishop has to say, e.g. about humility and showing mercy to immigrants and LGBTQ people. And this is the man who implied he believed in God because he thought divine intervention saved him from the would-be assassin's bullet and the man the Christian evangelicals seem to want.
Totally disagree. A church service i exactly the time to call for compassion.
The real question why on earth was he there? I know he now think he was saved by God for this role (no madness there at all) but the guy has only used religion in the past few years.
I agree Rich, she knew what she was doing. Many Latinos who came to the country legally voted for Trump, they hate the ones who came into the States illegally, as they are a drain on their tax dollars.
Mark Dice did his homework on the church.
I am surprised Channel 4 news is going, they are more woke than woke.
Downing Street Cat wrote: Paganism didn't bring in any cash. Pagans were much too woke. When men realised they could terrify the masses wearing pointy hats and hoodies with threats of eternal fire and damnation they knew they'd hit the jackpot. Pagans were ostracised and went off to write for the Guardian.
I am sure Neanderthals and other forms of troglodytes got on well without religion.