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TOPIC: Politeness posters please
Green Man

Re:Politeness posters please 3 Weeks ago  
Downing Street Cat wrote:
I think Elvis and Lord Lucan help JK run this site.

Elvis became a Pastor....probably.

The evidence is interesting.
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Re:Politeness posters please 3 Weeks ago  
I do hope others can identify genuine mean spirited rudeness from tongue-in-cheek "rudeness" which bears no real malice or personal slight.

With that proviso I can now safely call GM a lunatic for his "we never went" comment. An apt moon related word in the circumstances too.

What those who hold your view always seem to think is we only went once in July 1969. But we went there six times with men on the surface over three and a half years until December 1972. Not forgetting the aborted mission in 1970, and the test orbit flights like at Christmas 1968 with the iconic Earth look back image from Christmas Eve.

Suppose for a moment you have successfully pulled off a fake moon landing in July 1969 and got away with it, proven your point, beaten the Soviets and fulfilled the JFK pledge to get there by the end of the 60's. Why would you choose just 4 months later in November to go through the whole charade yet again which could unravel the con you got away with first time? Why would you need to fake something SIX times when once would be more than good enough. It's illogical. If you've very successfully pulled off something and got everything you wanted without being caught then why are you going to risk doing it again, and again, and again, and again, and again.

I don't consider myself gullible or easy led and am a critical thinker but I've never doubted those magnificent achievements and the astounding bravery of those involved.

Out of interest GM, what about the probes to the moon, and even more interestingly what about our probes to Mars such as the Viking lander in 1976 which sent the first really fabulous clear colour images from the Martian surface? Did that go there and all the other ones since like Pathfinder in 1997, or was that somewhere in the Atacama desert or Arizona?

What about Voyager's 1 and 2, are they really now in interstellar space this incredible distance away in your view? Those my age were enthused and did a lot about them in our primary schooldays and marvelled at this and where they were going to visit.

Someone once made me laugh at them in derision on an Unexplained podcast when they held the "we never went" view with unimpressive evidence easily dismissed yet also at the very same time were adamant that "they have come here" lots of times and we have been visited from afar by physical beings not of this world.
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Green Man

Re:Politeness posters please 3 Weeks ago  
Probes were sent by remote Rich and dropped by a spacecraft.

I don't think man has ever been to the moon, and I believe the photos are staged. The USA was very good at fakery and hoaxes even back then, especially for propaganda purposes.

NASA - Never A Straight Answer.

I can't believe they lost nearly all the footage of the moon landing.

They were junking and wiping tapes in the 1980s when tape wiping was the norm in the 1950s and 1960s. By the 1970s it was pretty much stopped.
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Re:Politeness posters please 3 Weeks ago  
But you've not answered why anyone would try to fake something SIX times, and it should have been seven, when once would have been enough.

Nobody can ever credibly answer that question who thinks like you.
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Re:Politeness posters please 3 Weeks ago  
Jo wrote:
[quote]Wyot wrote:
[quote]hedda wrote:
[quote]JK2006 wrote:

Well, I for one would miss your presence here, Wyot. Your posts are always thoughtful and interesting. And polite.

Thank you Jo, appreciated.
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Green Man

Re:Politeness posters please 3 Weeks ago  

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Re:Politeness posters please 3 Weeks ago  
I met Buzz Aldrin. Tiny little man.

Going to the Moon was superb. I watched it on a B/W TV.

But why Mars? Useless red rock with nothing there. A giant boondoggle and waste of $Billions for Musk.
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Green Man

Re:Politeness posters please 2 Weeks, 6 Days ago  
hedda wrote:
I met Buzz Aldrin. Tiny little man.

Going to the Moon was superb. I watched it on a B/W TV.

But why Mars? Useless red rock with nothing there. A giant boondoggle and waste of $Billions for Musk.

Stephen Hawking said that Mars needs to be the next planet to save the human race. Musk has a thing for rockets and space.

He probably wants his idol's dream to come true?

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Re:Politeness posters please 2 Weeks, 6 Days ago  
hedda wrote:
I met Buzz Aldrin. Tiny little man.

Going to the Moon was superb. I watched it on a B/W TV.

But why Mars? Useless red rock with nothing there. A giant boondoggle and waste of $Billions for Musk.

I remember a mountaineer once being asked why he climbs mountains, and his repsonse was "because they're there". Same with Mars.

I bet if you could fly in comfort to Mars in total guaranteed safety for free and it took just a few hours to get there and back and you were offered the chance for a sightseeing trip on the surface for a couple of hours you'd be unable to resist it.
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Re:Politeness posters please 2 Weeks, 5 Days ago  
Rich wrote:
hedda wrote:
I met Buzz Aldrin. Tiny little man.

Going to the Moon was superb. I watched it on a B/W TV.

But why Mars? Useless red rock with nothing there. A giant boondoggle and waste of $Billions for Musk.

I remember a mountaineer once being asked why he climbs mountains, and his repsonse was "because they're there". Same with Mars.

I bet if you could fly in comfort to Mars in total guaranteed safety for free and it took just a few hours to get there and back and you were offered the chance for a sightseeing trip on the surface for a couple of hours you'd be unable to resist it.

Well no not me personally as I get claustrophobia and the notion of being inside a rocket scares me. Even flying in jets as I've done so many times entailed a few Valium.

I'm mindful of the actor William Shatner who said he felt sort of very empty after his flight into space.

I also recall visiting a Russian version of a Space Shuttle and it was scary. Thins were held together by gaffer tape.

I was once invited to and declined a junket to travel on The Ghan a sort of luxury train that travels from Adelaide to Darwin for 4 days. Crossing endless red rock country for days..just like the Mars landscape.
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Green Man

Re:Politeness posters please 2 Weeks, 5 Days ago  
Shatner probably saw the destruction that people cause to the planet.

Maybe using human fat to make biofuel is not a bad idea. WEF has called us "useless humans" for a long time now. Also when you look at the amount of cosmetic surgery that going on, there will not be a shortage of human fat, some people in the States probably have 2 zip codes, one for each bum cheek. Also using faeces to generate power goes back years.

Remember in The Good Life where Tom's generator was powered by animal waste?

People didn't moan about horses being used to make glue, which still happens in certain parts of the world.

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