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TOPIC: London Tube Crime
London Tube Crime 3 Weeks, 1 Day ago
Over 22.5k incidents in 2023 - 66% more than the previous year. Abysmal record that Khan needs to address.
Tube crime epidemic: Graphic reveals how attacks on passengers are spiralling to their highest EVER via
Re:London Tube Crime 3 Weeks, 1 Day ago
Al Gershwin wrote:
Over 22.5k incidents in 2023 - 66% more than the previous year. Abysmal record that Khan needs to address.
Tube crime epidemic: Graphic reveals how attacks on passengers are spiralling to their highest EVER via
This should have been Khan's undoing last year, it's shocking that it wasn't.
But hey, at least he's got his priorities right, you can't advertise a cake on posters on the underground and many other daft inoffensive things.
Re:London Tube Crime 3 Weeks, 1 Day ago
The utter stupidity of Theresa May in cutting 20,000 mainly experienced police officers from the force, oops I mean "service" don't I. What did she actually think would happen with so many fewer? Then the brass neck of Boris to say he was putting 20,000 back, which only left us where we had been all along anyway, except these new 20,000 were all inexperienced and younger rather than the wiser old school ones who were now lost.
Regards Khan, as a politician you are responsible for what happens when you are in office, simple as that. There are no excuses to be made, he's not some powerless by stander, he's not just mayor but police commissioner too. He owns the whole sorry spectacle.
Remember William Bratton, New York police commissioner and Mayor Rudy Guiliani with their "zero tolerance" in the 1990's that drove crime down significantly in New York. It worked. We need it in the UK and London would be a good place to start.