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TOPIC: London Tube Crime
Al Gershwin

London Tube Crime 3 Weeks, 1 Day ago  
Over 22.5k incidents in 2023 - 66% more than the previous year. Abysmal record that Khan needs to address.

Tube crime epidemic: Graphic reveals how attacks on passengers are spiralling to their highest EVER via
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Green Man

Re:London Tube Crime 3 Weeks, 1 Day ago  
We need to address why there is high crime on the underground, even New York subways are becoming very dangerous again like they were in the 70s and 80s.

Sadiq Khan's Knighthood is a joke. I hate Boris Johnson but I don't remember London getting mentioned in the press for the wrong reasons, apart from a few riots, which no one can prevent.

I do think there needs to law on changes on drugs, it might clamp out some of the turf wars happening, then again how many cannabis cafes will be threatned if step on toes?

Hitting people for no reason whatsoever used to be a rare, it seems to be very common these days.

I do like this comment from a Mail reader.

People are at breaking point, no one has any money we're taxed to the hilt and on the other hand there are people coming into the country that are getting everything for free. It's a powder keg and is only going to get worse

We live in a two tier society, those are can afford to leave the UK have left.
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Re:London Tube Crime 3 Weeks, 1 Day ago  
I'll never forget being very young on the Tube and being abused by some oaf who made scary threats towards me waving his fists.

It was more terrifying because I was trapped on a moving train and unable to flee as he basically blocked the exit.

Fortunately he wandered off.
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Re:London Tube Crime 3 Weeks, 1 Day ago  
Al Gershwin wrote:
Over 22.5k incidents in 2023 - 66% more than the previous year. Abysmal record that Khan needs to address.

Tube crime epidemic: Graphic reveals how attacks on passengers are spiralling to their highest EVER via

This should have been Khan's undoing last year, it's shocking that it wasn't.

But hey, at least he's got his priorities right, you can't advertise a cake on posters on the underground and many other daft inoffensive things.
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Green Man

Re:London Tube Crime 3 Weeks, 1 Day ago  
Nor can posters of lingerie models be put up, I don't it's the body shamers who are the problem but people with who can't control their sexual urges, probaly from the men with beards who like their Holy books.

It's like prison, inmates use to put up pin ups to release sexual tensions, but if there are evil sexual perverts, they use them to get hard to rape other inmates.
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Re:London Tube Crime 3 Weeks, 1 Day ago  
Why assume a link between Sadiq Khan's tenure as Mayor and increased crime on the underground just because it happened at the same time? Way too simple people...

During this time people have continued to lose their humanity globally.

Look for the real causes, not distractions
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Al Gershwin

Re:London Tube Crime 3 Weeks, 1 Day ago  
Green Man wrote:
those are can afford to leave the UK have left

A massively broad statement.

You have any facts, statistics, names, links or evidence to back it up - and where have they gone?

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Downing Street Cat

Re:London Tube Crime 3 Weeks, 1 Day ago  
Stabbings and muggings were rife under Boris Johnson. And crime was given a helping hand by Theresa May as Home Secretary she slashed police numbers. But blaming the Left has become a habitual response to anything negative.
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Green Man

Re:London Tube Crime 3 Weeks, 1 Day ago  
Al Gershwin wrote:
Green Man wrote:
those are can afford to leave the UK have left

A massively broad statement.

You have any facts, statistics, names, links or evidence to back it up - and where have they gone?


You are obsessed with hiking more than me Barney.

Google is your friend.
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Re:London Tube Crime 3 Weeks, 1 Day ago  
The utter stupidity of Theresa May in cutting 20,000 mainly experienced police officers from the force, oops I mean "service" don't I. What did she actually think would happen with so many fewer? Then the brass neck of Boris to say he was putting 20,000 back, which only left us where we had been all along anyway, except these new 20,000 were all inexperienced and younger rather than the wiser old school ones who were now lost.

Regards Khan, as a politician you are responsible for what happens when you are in office, simple as that. There are no excuses to be made, he's not some powerless by stander, he's not just mayor but police commissioner too. He owns the whole sorry spectacle.

Remember William Bratton, New York police commissioner and Mayor Rudy Guiliani with their "zero tolerance" in the 1990's that drove crime down significantly in New York. It worked. We need it in the UK and London would be a good place to start.
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Re:London Tube Crime 3 Weeks, 1 Day ago  
Green Man wrote:

We live in a two tier society, those are can afford to leave the UK have left.

I haven't GM...
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Green Man

Re:London Tube Crime 3 Weeks, 1 Day ago  
There's always been muggings, even the smallest village will have at least one OAP being done in by yob, or murdered for the their pension money.

Stabbings were usually carried out to settle a score or between rival football fans. Very rare were used in unprovoked attacks.

May may slashed the police numbers, but Khan could of hired more and send her the bill. Khan has been a Mayor for a very long time, he refused any help to tackle knife culture.

I use to go London in my younger days to family or for a concert. I went to London a few years ago to go to the o2, it was unrecognizable and not in a good way.

I suppose if you live in an area you don't notice changes.
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Green Man

Re:London Tube Crime 3 Weeks ago  
Wyot wrote:
Green Man wrote:

We live in a two tier society, those are can afford to leave the UK have left.

I haven't GM...

Waiting for your Surrey mansion, going for Cotswolds prices? I have to drive through there tomorrow.
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Re:London Tube Crime 3 Weeks ago  
Green Man wrote:
There's always been muggings, even the smallest village will have at least one OAP being done in by yob, or murdered for the their pension money.

That's just not true based on any factual reality.

(It's about time I disagreed on a few things, so i'm doing well today!)
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Green Man

Re:London Tube Crime 3 Weeks ago  
Rich wrote:
Green Man wrote:
There's always been muggings, even the smallest village will have at least one OAP being done in by yob, or murdered for the their pension money.

That's just not true based on any factual reality.

(It's about time I disagreed on a few things, so i'm doing well today!)

You never knew about the innocent old couple that were murdered by thugs in Faversham in early 2000s or this one in sleepy Scottish Whitburn.
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Re:London Tube Crime 2 Weeks, 6 Days ago  
Green Man wrote:
Wyot wrote:
Green Man wrote:

We live in a two tier society, those are can afford to leave the UK have left.

I haven't GM...

Waiting for your Surrey mansion, going for Cotswolds prices? I have to drive through there tomorrow.

You don't have to be super wealthy to leave the UK GM (and I'm not) if circumstances permit. And on any relative measure, it is a highly attractive place to live; which, ironically, is why you are so exercised about immigration!
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Re:London Tube Crime 2 Weeks, 6 Days ago  
I get what you say there GM, and there are always isolated examples and you had to go back a way to find those because they are rare. What you were suggesting, unless I misunderstood your phrasing, is that every tiny village will have at least one example of this type of serious crime and happily that is far from true.
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