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Non-crime hate laws set to be expanded
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TOPIC: Non-crime hate laws set to be expanded

Non-crime hate laws set to be expanded 2 Weeks, 6 Days ago  
Will they never learn?

According to the Daily Telegraph today non crime hate laws are set to be expanded according to the headline leader, with the Home Office saying the police should be recording more non crime hate incidents.

Time to sign this petition -

Why are the police being expected to investigate anything at all that is not a criminal offence under the law?

We are living in a topsy turvy nation now where real genuine crime not only goes unpunished but frequently uninvestigated or at worst even completely ignored without a response back, and there is ample real crime out there to get stuck into. Yet here we have a Home Office so unfit for purpose it's frightening, and it's not just Labour it began under the Tories. It is amazing to think you could be passed over with your real crime in favour of something non criminal by police and they want it widened further. Even if real crime was at record lows or almost negligible this would and should never be acceptable.

Who are the judges of what non crime hate is anyway? The police are not there to pronounce and judge anyone, that's not their role.

I remember plenty of non crime hate speech being used in school against people, me included. Can I now lay historical accusations of non crime hate speech against those I was in school with years ago, pupils or teachers, or even more likely can current school children do this?

But then it's a certain type of non crime hate they are going after isn't it.
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Green Man

Re:Non-crime hate laws set to be expanded 2 Weeks, 6 Days ago  
The police and the government are a joke. I can't believe how thin-skinned people are to take offence to hurty words, especially over cyberspace.

DJE Audits got into a 3-hour argument with some jobs worth copper about drones.

If you don't like what you read online, stay off the internet.
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Re:Non-crime hate laws set to be expanded 2 Weeks, 1 Day ago  
I still recall standing in Trafalgar Square after a march through the city decades ago while the Tom Robinson Band belted out Glad to Be Gay and the lines:

"The British Police are the best in the world
I don't believe one of these stories I've heard
'Bout them raiding our pubs for no reason at all
Lining the customers up by the wall
Picking out people and knocking them down
Resisting arrest as they're kicked on the ground
Searching their houses and calling them queer
I don't believe that sort of thing happens here"

I was in an Earls Court gay hotel in the 70s when it was raided by police and they literally grabbed me and thrust me against a wall accusing me of being underage.. I've always looked so much younger than I am. They threatened to take me out the back and beat me up.

Nothing has changed..just more restrictive laws.
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Green Man

Re:Non-crime hate laws set to be expanded 2 Weeks, 1 Day ago  
30 officers turn up for burning a book?

I thought our ancestors and grandparents fought in WW1 and WW2 so we could have "freedom". Whatever happened to the right to disagree?

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Re:Non-crime hate laws set to be expanded 2 Weeks, 1 Day ago  
Green Man wrote:
30 officers turn up for burning a book?

I thought our ancestors and grandparents fought in WW1 and WW2 so we could have "freedom". Whatever happened to the right to disagree?

What was this man "disagreeing" with GM by burning a Koran? The right for others to follow a religion? I don't understand what he is doing or why.

Ironically, of course, the Nazis burned books too, particularly those linked with the Jewish faith.

I suppose the Police response was to stop a riot and protect the muddle-headed burner from coming to harm himself.
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Al Gershwin

Re:Non-crime hate laws set to be expanded 2 Weeks, 1 Day ago  
Green Man wrote:
If you don't like what you read online, stay off the internet.

A totally meaningful statement. Every subject that exists is covered online, every day!
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Re:Non-crime hate laws set to be expanded 2 Weeks, 1 Day ago  
.....and if a muslim openly burns the Holy Christian Bible, how many police officers to cart them off?

I guarantee you already know the correct number.
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Downing Street Cat

Re:Non-crime hate laws set to be expanded 2 Weeks, 1 Day ago  
Book burning isn't 'Freedom'. The opposite in fact. It wouldn't stop at the Quran either. Once you go down that road, any books you don't like, then buildings, then people. WW2 was fought for many reasons, one of them was to stop book burning. Read Fahrenheit 451.
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Re:Non-crime hate laws set to be expanded 2 Weeks, 1 Day ago  
Rich wrote:
.....and if a muslim openly burns the Holy Christian Bible, how many police officers to cart them off?

I guarantee you already know the correct number.

You would certainly need fewer or no Police in that instance. But this may say more about the average Christian compared to Muslim - in terms of likelihood to riot and slit people's throats - than Police "hypocrisy".
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Al Gershwin

Re:Non-crime hate laws set to be expanded 2 Weeks, 1 Day ago  
Wyot wrote:
Police "hypocrisy"

Not relevant here - the law dictates the reaction of our police forces.

To all of us - the public/electorate (non-voters think they're exceptions!).

But deciding not to vote, whilst criticising every politican/party is nonsensical.
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Green Man

Re:Non-crime hate laws set to be expanded 2 Weeks, 1 Day ago  
Rich wrote:
.....and if a muslim openly burns the Holy Christian Bible, how many police officers to cart them off?

I guarantee you already know the correct number.

You have a good point Rich, however, if someone wants to burn the Bible I am happy for them to if it's either a protest or a form of expression.

A totally meaningful statement Every subject that exists is covered online, every day!.

You know I what I mean Barney, people that get all salty of posts/memes or insults then go to the police.

BTW Cat, where did I say it's ok to burn buildings and then people? I am talking about freedom of thought or expression. Scientologists think they can burn people when they reach a certain OT level, we know it's a cult but someone wants to join or burn L.Ron. Hubbard's books then let them be.
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Re:Non-crime hate laws set to be expanded 2 Weeks, 1 Day ago  
Police "arresting people fopr their safety" seems to be an increasingly used explanation nowadays doesn't it.

Arresting this man is one thing, charging him with an offence would be quite another.

I remember back in '81 when I began secondary school and within the week all us newcomers had a Christian come and talk to us and we were all handed a small red Gideon's bible and urged to read a page of it every day. This was not a religious school or anything like that. Before the day was out a couple of silly boys had tossed this bible into a waste bin outside, this got discovered and there was hell to pay. We all have a right to our own beliefs without others trying to impose them on us.
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Re:Non-crime hate laws set to be expanded 2 Weeks ago  
Al Gershwin wrote:
Wyot wrote:
Police "hypocrisy"

Not relevant here - the law dictates the reaction of our police forces.

The law can dictate that Police act hypocritically.
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Re:Non-crime hate laws set to be expanded 2 Weeks ago  
Al Gershwin wrote:
[quote]Wyot wrote:

But deciding not to vote, whilst criticising every politican/party is nonsensical.


It makes less sense to me than refusing to vote for people and parties unfit to govern.
How does it make "sense" to vote talentless careerists in?
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Re:Non-crime hate laws set to be expanded 2 Weeks ago  
Rich wrote:

We all have a right to our own beliefs without others trying to impose them on us.

Absolutely. I am just unclear on what he was actually "protesting" about or why?

Which illustrates the broader and growing problem now that so many take offence and protest about anything that dialogue or debate is imposssible.
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Green Man

Re:Non-crime hate laws set to be expanded 2 Weeks ago  
Rich wrote:
Police "arresting people fopr their safety" seems to be an increasingly used explanation nowadays doesn't it.

Arresting this man is one thing, charging him with an offence would be quite another.

I remember back in '81 when I began secondary school and within the week all us newcomers had a Christian come and talk to us and we were all handed a small red Gideon's bible and urged to read a page of it every day. This was not a religious school or anything like that. Before the day was out a couple of silly boys had tossed this bible into a waste bin outside, this got discovered and there was hell to pay. We all have a right to our own beliefs without others trying to impose them on us.

I was giving Psalms at school, a few lads burnt them or threw them out the window. If we did that to Koran we would probably have to go to the Mosque to apologise.
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Downing Street Cat

Re:Non-crime hate laws set to be expanded 2 Weeks ago  
Green Man wrote:
Rich wrote:
.....and if a muslim openly burns the Holy Christian Bible, how many police officers to cart them off?

I guarantee you already know the correct number.

You have a good point Rich, however, if someone wants to burn the Bible I am happy for them to if it's either a protest or a form of expression.

A totally meaningful statement Every subject that exists is covered online, every day!.

You know I what I mean Barney, people that get all salty of posts/memes or insults then go to the police.

BTW Cat, where did I say it's ok to burn buildings and then people? I am talking about freedom of thought or expression. Scientologists think they can burn people when they reach a certain OT level, we know it's a cult but someone wants to join or burn L.Ron. Hubbard's books then let them be.
Read Farenheit 451 ,GM. Before someone burns them all.
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Green Man

Re:Non-crime hate laws set to be expanded 2 Weeks ago  
Read it at school Cat.

What's wrong with burning your own property, if you bought it you own it.

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Re:Non-crime hate laws set to be expanded 2 Weeks ago  
Green Man wrote:
Rich wrote:
Police "arresting people fopr their safety" seems to be an increasingly used explanation nowadays doesn't it.

Arresting this man is one thing, charging him with an offence would be quite another.

I remember back in '81 when I began secondary school and within the week all us newcomers had a Christian come and talk to us and we were all handed a small red Gideon's bible and urged to read a page of it every day. This was not a religious school or anything like that. Before the day was out a couple of silly boys had tossed this bible into a waste bin outside, this got discovered and there was hell to pay. We all have a right to our own beliefs without others trying to impose them on us.

I was giving Psalms at school, a few lads burnt them or threw them out the window. If we did that to Koran we would probably have to go to the Mosque to apologise.

One of the first trip visits I went on after arrival at secondary school was to a mosque, I think it was the Regent's Park Mosque in London in 1982 as part of RE studies which was a 50 mile coach drive away. So they were pushing islam in our faces even over 40 years ago now, although I'm sure we studied other religions. I'm keen to pull out all my work from that time from the loft to see just what I was being taught in RE as most of it rather went over my head. I get that we were simply learning about it rather than being indoctrinated in any way. My main memory of the mosque was everyone getting told to hand our shoes/socks over and walk on a posh carpet barefoot. I don't remember thinking too deeply about the visit and what it meant.

Do muslim schools/parents like to educate their youngsters about other religions and take them to Christian churches and places of worship? No!
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Green Man

Re:Non-crime hate laws set to be expanded 1 Week, 6 Days ago  
I doubt very few Muslims go to churches Rich, unless they want to have to have a go at the vicar on why there is trouble in the Middle East, like I witnessed last year.

The vicar went on a long rant about the Troubles, Falklands and Bosnia. The poor Muslim man was dumbfounded, I doubt he had not heard about the Troubles, Falklands or much of Bosnia.

Religion is troublesome for me and I hate them all.

Why didn't Allah stop the illegal war caused by Blair and Bush?
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