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So the absolutely ghastly Keir Starmer has nixed Raynor's plans to close a loophole that allows foreign billionaires / oligarchs to finance UK political parties.
The US president Musk of course wants Farage gone because he's not right wing enough.
Has there ever been a larger wolf in sheep's clothing than the emergence of Keir Starmer ?
hedda wrote: So the absolutely ghastly Keir Starmer has nixed Raynor's plans to close a loophole that allows foreign billionaires / oligarchs to finance UK political parties.
The US president Musk of course wants Farage gone because he's not right wing enough.
Has there ever been a larger wolf in sheep's clothing than the emergence of Keir Starmer ?
More ghastly with each passing day. And added to that he has just been bragging he has the 'balls to make the poor disabled poorer.' This Labour government are starting to make the last Tory government look like benevolent Cherubs.
Starmer has absolutely no redeeming features that I can detect. NONE.
With every passing day it just gets ever more incredible that this man got anywhere near the leadership of the Labour party, never mind how the leadership of this country also fell into his lap too. The man is a dangerous menace, not just to his opponents but to his own side too and the country cannot afford this type of individual hanging around it's neck for much longer. No gravitas on the world stage either. Where Thatcher and Blair stood tall and commanded the room, he commands nothing, they lit up the room on entry, he sucks the life out of it, just like he is continuing to do to the everyone throughout every room across Britain.