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Pick of the Pops - Radio 2 - What's wrong with 1974?
TOPIC: Pick of the Pops - Radio 2 - What's wrong with 1974?
Re:Pick of the Pops - Radio 2 - What's wrong with 1974? 3 Months, 3 Weeks ago
1981 and 1995 was today
Coming soon
2 November - 1969 / 1977
9 November - 1983 / 1990
November 16th:
1pm - 1974!!!! 1974 last played 2nd November 2019
2pm - 1987
Re:Pick of the Pops - Radio 2 - What's wrong with 1974? 2 Months, 2 Weeks ago
1974 back again already.
Having gone a full 5 years between playing the year 1974 on POTP when they did so on 16th November, the show is playing 1974 again just over 5 weeks later on Christmas Day at 4pm, when playing years ending in a "4" with 1984 and 1994.
You couldn't make it up.
Rather strangely for a new show of this popular type, which has already been recorded, it gets a first airing at 1am in the morning next Friday night/Saturday morning, and is already available to hear on BBC Sounds too.
Many people work on Christmas Day. It raises another issue, shouldn't the main BBC Radio station at least make an effort to have some live radio on Christmas afternoon and evening at this time, many people on Christmas Day get new radio's and devices and would be listening, I know I've done so going right back to the start of the 80's when I got new radio's for Christmas. There's nobody willing or able to do live radio at this time on Radio 2 on Christmas, really?
Would these shows have been live on Radio 2 on Christmas Day afternoon in 1974 for instance, Tony Brandon & Sam Costa, whoever they were.
What about the main pop channel Radio 1 that date, Tony Blackburn at 3pm who always likes to broadcast live where possible even at 81, Savile at 6pm annd Emperor Rosko at 7pm with what is described as the greatest live show on earth.
Maybe a discussion worth a thread all of its own?
Re:Pick of the Pops - Radio 2 - What's wrong with 1974? 2 Months, 2 Weeks ago
That brings back some good memories MCR.
That's possibly the biggest ever thread on that site associated to one specific radio programme and still ticks over nicely. When Tony Blackburn was fired in early 2016 they wanted to close that discussion but I managed to get the site to remove his name from the title and keep it going without a presenter name and just the show name alone.
Regards the title of this thread which is now somewhat obsolete, a contributor over there has noted that 1971 has not been played on the show since about mid 2020, so I could conceiveably make a new "What's wrong with 1971?" discussion now, but won't push my luck! Someone at Radio 2 on that show, or Listen who produce it, clearly does not like music from the first half of the 1970s.
Gambo used to read out the name Gary Glitter when counting through the charts he was in during the seven years he presented POTP. But since he moved on none of the others, briefly Steve Wright, stand-in Gary Davies or now new full host Mark Goodier are even prepared to utter the man's name aloud and simply say the record title and move on, presumably on producer/Radio 2 advice rather than personal opinion. Okay we know they don't play the songs anymore and can understand why, but what harm is there is saying the name for a split second. He existed.