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A Flock Of Seagulls - Some Dreams.
TOPIC: A Flock Of Seagulls - Some Dreams.
A Flock Of Seagulls - Some Dreams. 1 Month, 1 Week ago
Re:A Flock Of Seagulls - Some Dreams. 1 Month, 1 Week ago
Get some headphones on and feast your ears on this, A Flock Of Seagulls showing how to play their early 1982 debut charting song, I Ran.
Although they hit top ten late in '82 this one actually missed the forty completely, stalling at No43. For the life of me I can't fathom that at all. It sounds like a massive hit and is now a classic anyway.
Of course it's great when 80's acts make new music. Why not? Just off the top of my head I can think of two that made new albums and hit No1 not so long ago, Madness and The Specials, and if you count Abba as a part 80's act then them too. There will be lots of others. Pet Shop Boys keep the output coming. These acts can all bring out new material on albums that shoot to the top spot or do very well on the album chart but for some reason when it comes to the singles it's a different story entirely.
But I do think there is far too much repackaging and re-imagining of old material going on and that's not creative, it's just cynical record companies looking for the next quick and easy pay day to rinse easily pleased fans who will buy anything. It would be nice to see a few more artists taking the kind of attitude that has been mentioned by the likes of the Moody Blues.