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I wonder who is buying these records and from where?
I can't imagine many people in charity shops buying them unless they want a collection of mixed-match records for the sake of having a record collection.
We all knew that nerd or relative who field records in their collection.
I do remember the trains, birds/nature, and jets. There were probably other sounds and sound effects used as demos in department stores; not forgetting the masses of brass band records in candy shops and off-licences.
I am sure some smart-ass record company rep conned the ladies to make them sell these types of records in their little shops, using a sales pitch like this:
"Hello Darling, Want some records to sell? I work for such and such. We deal with very well-known groups and local bands, and the more you buy, the cheaper it is. The the kids will love it; we can give you publicity posters and displays for free."