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King of Hits
The end. PDF Print E-mail
Saturday, 17 December 2016
I am sorry. I said it years ago. When it happened to me, at first I could not believe it. Nobody could be locked up for crimes that never took place. Where there was no proof or evidence that they had ever taken place. Forget whether or not someone was guilty of a crime - it was never proved that a crime had ever happened.

It really came home to me in prison. Someone serving a life sentence for murdering his wife - although there was no body - kept proclaiming his innocence and, sure enough, his wife reappeared, healthy and well. It still took months for him to be released. The wheels of justice, if ever turning correctly, still take ages. How could they keep a man in prison for murdering his wife when she is alive and well? They had to find proof of her identity, get it in front of a judge, get him to grant an appeal, hear an appeal… all this before an innocent man could be freed.


The media hates stories like this. They undermine the entire judicial system. It takes scandals like the phone hacking one, where journalists and editors suffer dawn raids, to make them sit up and see who the villains are. Police. Lawyers. Judges. Politicians.

The system is broken. Smashed. And, as I have been saying for years, it is getting so close to collapse that soon we shall see prison riots, break outs, anarchy.

Treat humans like animals and they will behave like animals. And it is the innocent who will suffer.

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