Police Tricks 17 - LIES
Thursday, 08 November 2018
When I was in Her Majesty's Prison Estate - for crimes that never took place - I helped 12 different innocent men get their appeals allowed. One of them, going out of jail, thanked me and said "you're so brilliant at doing this for us, JK, why don't you do it for yourself?".

A good point. But I was moving on with my life. I had other things to do.

However, when Surrey Police tried again, because I kept going on about their appalling behaviour in cases such as Milly Dowler, Breck Bednar, Deepcut and others, I determined to examine my own prosecution as I had done for others whilst I was in prison.

And the main thing I discovered was LIES.

Again and again, some accidental, some deliberate, police lying on oath to magistrates, brazenly in front of Judges and constantly to myself, my lawyer and even themselves.

Oh yes; they are very busy concealing inefficiency or dishonesty amongst their own ranks or in their own daily work.

So I urge anyone going through this to make sure every single detail is examined. From punctuation to vocabulary, times and dates to applications and documents.

In one affidavit from a police officer to a judge, the times of a raid on a bank are completely different in the cover note and the body of the evidence.


Same person, simply not checked, completely different times, proving inaccuracy, incompetence or blatant dishonesty.

It is not easy, especially when falsely accused of historical claims, sometimes going back 50 years, to prove your innocence. And you should not have to do so.

There is, in this country, an absurd, ludicrous, abandoned rule - the presumption of innocence.

Why has it been deserted? Media. They love a good story. Innocence often kills great stories.

Just as many police officers only investigate to prove guilt, to get convictions. A disgraceful situation. Ordered to do so by ambitious, corrupt bosses, looking for promotion.

And you will notice, if this ever happens to you, that many Investigating Officers are NOT police officers. Unable to provide trained cops to investigate the thousands of false allegations, retired traffic wardens, transport police and family liaison officers are hired back (at huge expense to us, the tax payer). These people are trained to fill in parking tickets; not in the rules of honest investigation.

One "witness" in my recent debacle was submitted to myself, to the Court and even to the CPS and Prosecuting QC as giving a statement which she would repeat on oath in court. But it was revealed that she had not been contacted since 2001! Already elderly then, she could well have been dead or senile 17 years later. The trial had to be halted whilst the idiotic cop rushed by train to the depths of Devon. Relief (by Surrey Police) when she was discovered to be still breathing. But her pointless evidence was not required as, by then, I had been declared Not Guilty of the false claims concocted by the loony (assisted by Mark Williams Thomas) in 2000.

Keystone Cops? No; they were funny. This bunch were serious. And you will find, if it happens to you, that British Police in 2018 are equally serious. So it is up to you to prove them a joke.

And, worse than a joke, liars.