Arnie Joins The Club
Monday, 10 November 2003

Congratulations Arnie. When I interviewed him on WMCA in 1980 I predicted
he'd be President. They said he couldn't be because he wasn't born in the
USA - just watch him go. And, as I've always predicted, Will Smith will be
the first black President after Hillary is the first female one.
But the really interesting aspect is the confirmation of my prediction
version of what happened to me. And John Leslie and Matthew Kelly and the
Hamiltons....Add a few footballers, Kenyan rape allegations R.Kelly coming always needs ONE to start the ball rolling. Nobody made claims
against Arnie until the publicity kicked in. Then dozens of deluded or
greedy loonies jumped on board. When this happened to me, I warned it
would avalanche. All someone needs to do is check out Tony Blair or Max
Clifford or Ross Kemp or any celebrity on Friends Reunited. .Track down old
school mates. Find the girlfriend or boyfriend who had an unsatisfactory
one night stand. Everyone has a secret in the closet. It would, of
course, be immoral and possibly illegal to persuade someone to lie or
exaggerate but I've not seen Max prosecuted for the Hamiltons' false
accuser or the Kelly one or the David Jones ones or.....So, persuade the
person, if they WERE raped or under age or damaged by the experience, to
make an official complaint to the police. Anonymity guaranteed. Huge
rewards in compensation if convicted (or even more if they waive anonymity
and sell to the media). Just imagine the value of SUN EDITOR IN LESBIAN
RAPE ARREST headlines! And, if it happened, we're all perfectly justified
to praise vengeance, aren't we Max? That's what the law encourages - in
Britain and, it seems, the US. Publicity will, of course, provoke dozens
of others - as happened to me, Leslie, Arnie etc. "There's no smoke
without fire". Oh, what a lovely world we're living in. How long before
some MUCH BIGGER footballers get accused of historic sex abuse? And even
more TV stars and singers and publicists. Until they start on politicians,
none of you are safe. Don't say I didn't warn you - 2 years ago.