Re: Michael Howard
Tuesday, 11 November 2003
"Michael Howard is the man responsible for my being in prison. He was the
Home Secretary who brought in the law that no proof, evidence or
corroboration should be needed to convict people charged with sex offences.
I'm sure his intentions were honourable. A five year old abused in a care
home thirty years ago should be entitled to justice and proof is unlikely
to exist. But the climate following corrupt police officers to raise
conviction rates by "assisting" statements and lying "victims" to get
compensation by inventing ancient abuse has exploded, provoking such
exaggerations as the ones which saw me wrongly convicted for crimes that
never took place.

Indeed, Howard could now be accused by a man or woman in their fifties of
rape or underage sex from forty years ago and find himself convicted by one
person's anonymous word which, in turn, would earn them hundreds of
thousands of pounds if they contacted Max Clifford and sold their story to
the tabloids.
If it wasn't for the fact that I wouldn't wish such a thing on my worst
enemy, I'd almost enjoy such irony. Every week men like Headmaster
Alastair Wilbee commit suicide rather than face the shame of being accused
of sex offences. And Howard is, of course, Jewish. Seventy years ago, the
Jews in Nazi Germany suffered a similar treatment to sex offenders today.
They were demonised.

Whether or not someone IS a paedophile, or whether they have actually done
anything, they are vilified by the media. And yesterday's persecuted
minority always seems to be today's most righteously indignant. Rebekah
Wade started her NAME AND SHAME campaign at the News of the World, just
like the Nazi papers howled for readers to inform on a suspected Jew.
How long before concentration camps? Death chambers?
Killers are never described as "Jewish" or "black" these days, but
constantly called "paedophile".
The most virilant antigay Anglicans are those black Africans who suffered
apartheid until recently.
Is there anything intelligent observers can do to stop this ? I fear not.
It seems humanity requires a section of the community to hate, no matter
how illogical or unfair the targeted minority might be. I've never had the
slightest in children sexually. They are as nonsexual to me as geriatrics
or animals. Yet I'm locked up for crimes I didn't commit which are wrongly
considered by the uneducated masses as paedophilia.
Wouldn't it be ironic if I had to share a cell with Michael Howard,
convicted of crimes he never committed thanks to his blinkered law

JONATHAN KING November 2003.