Thursday, 20 November 2003
I thought I'd fill you all in about another victim of false allegations who
was in Belmarsh with me, then came to Elmley (where he was in the next
cell) and went to Maidstone.
A very nice, decent, respectable young man. I read his paperwork and it
looked very suspect to me. I was certain he was innocent, as many are. He
spent almost a year on remand (locked up whilst awaiting trial). Then the
trial resulted in A HUNG JURY. He was kept inside. The second trial:
guilty;same sentence, (7 years) same as me. His appeal finally came up
last week, and he was totally acquitted of all charges. He'd done THREE
YEARS for crimes that were never committed. He wrote me from home last
week, so relieved and happy. He was PROVEN innocent but still suffered 3
years locked up. The vast majority cannot prove their innocence and their
lives are ruined. This happens to THOUSANDS, not hundreds of people.
And I thought I'd share a few lines from a friend who's just moved to
another prison and who wrote me the following...
"I want you to know how much I appreciated your help and advice when I had
problems and to say a big THANK YOU for that. You have your own problems
to deal with and yet you are always, always there for anyone else who needs
help. What a shame the newspapers don't publish this side of your
character, Then again, that doesn't sell papers, does it? But at least
your many friends, old and new, know the real JK and I guess you get all
the comfort you need from that."
He's right. Gratitude is more than enough reward.