80 - 15 - 5
Tuesday, 02 December 2008
This is my theory.

The human race seems to be divided into three approximate categories. 80% are basically good, decent, kind human beings. 15% are dodgy, easily influenced, no real moral compass, will go with the wind. And 5% are essentially bad - though nobody is all bad (or all good) and many of the 5% have redeeming features.

This was true with the police involved in my case (as illustrated by the two officers I met having a ciggie outside the station after my arrest and release who said "We hate what's going on JK but we're under orders").

Sadly, of course, if there is one of the 5% in a high rank (he's now left the force "under a cloud") it can do all the damage needed.

Likewise, in prison, 80% were decent human beings who made a mistake or got stitched up or who went wrong but were basically decent... 15% were the ones who were fine inside but reoffended within weeks of release... and the 5% who, I reckon, should never be released for the safety of society.

And the human race in general - 80, 15, 5.

That's what I reckon.