Twenty-First Century Morality
Monday, 14 April 2003
With the numerous miscarriages of justice recently exposed such as Robert Brown and Stephen Downing, at least there was originally a crime - a death - a body - wrongly solved. But the current situation involves crimes that never happened. SALLY CLARK did NOT kill her babies, WILLIAMS - RIGBY and LAWSON were the victims of police trawling, I was the victim of trawl by media and there are hundreds, perhaps thousands , of other similar victims of false allegations of sex abuse THAT NEVER TOOK PLACE. The road to success for law makers and police now has three easy steps - INVENT a crime, SOLVE the crime, GET PROMOTION. It's a dangerous morality and our leaders appear to have latched onto the new century behaviour. INVENT a crime (weapons of mass destruction), SOLVE the crime ("liberate" IRAQ) and GET PROMOTION (annex IRAQ). Just a little lie here and there. Bend the truth. Exaggerate. Encourage invention. I sit here as a detached observer, wondering why nobody appears to have noticed this small thing. JK