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Topic History of: Love the papers today...
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david I would agree Robbie that the BNP are making people sit up and listen and that is indeed good, but that is the only good thing about them.

I accept that you are concerned by the number of Polish people who came to the UK a few years ago. I note, tho, that you do not mention that many are now choosing to return home.

by the way....

I presume that you would class Jews as ethnic foreigners too? Well the Nazi Party started out by saying much the same thing in the early 30s. Fact.

And Mr Griffin denies the Holocaust. I bet you haven't been to Auschwitz? I have. Twice. You know, if the holocaust denialists were right, wouldn't you think that the 'Jews' would have made loads of money out of Auschwitz by making it a theme park or charging entrance fees.

It is quite the contrary. Entry to both Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II (Birkenau) is free of charge. Both sites, especially II are modest and understated. If you want to go to Auschwitz II on your own (unless travelling in a group), it is a 2-mile walk out of the small, anonymous town of Oswiecim, and you have to know where you are going. I was there in January and there was no one there, just me, my friend and a solitary policeman at the gate. No signs, no nothing. Very understated.

I have friends in Hungary whose parents and/or grandparents died there in the most appalling conditions. They don't make a song and dance about it, in fact they keep it to themselves.

Feel free to quiz me about it, I have been there and spoken to people who lived near Auschwitz at the time. I spoke to an old man in a filthy little café. He had been a young man at the time, living on the outskirts of the town near A I. He told me "of course we knew what was going on there, but..." and he drew a line across his throat with his finger.

Nick Griffin denied the Holocaust. Millions of people died there- Jews, Gays, Gypsies, political prisoners.

On Question time he said that he had changed his views on the Holocaust, but when quizzed further he would not elaborate.

Come out with what you think Mr Griffin, we can cope with it.
BR I think Robbie has made valid points. In some parts of the UK there are dreadful problems with services for immigrant communities. There is also a disproportionate amount of gun violence in many of these areas plus human trafficking. The facts tell us this.

The BNP does not offer any real solutions in my opinion - to just throw people out will never work. It is not practical or affordable.

What we need to see as I explained at length is an immigration policy that is FAIR to everyone - that includes the English communities which are being destroyed in the name of New Labour multiculturalism because the infrastructure is not adequate.

This leaves many ethnic minorities in awful poverty in bad housing. The result social problems. In addition the knock on effect for white working class communities is massive. Schools cant cope or healthcare and it becomes a struggle for EVERYONE regardless of race/colour etc.

This is not right - not fair and must be stopped. But equally the BNP do not provide the right answer - but they are the only ones offering a solution. This must change or New Labour and New Tories will be responsible for the destruction of decent politics in the uk as well.
robbiex I'm saddened to hear your views, Locked Out of allowing this country to become a dumping ground and an easy target for eastern Europeans trafficking women into the sex industry and a welcoming place for extremist muslims to threaten the safety of our citizens.

I'm sad to hear that you support the policies of a government that continues the repression of the working classes and the loss of their power through cheap foreign labour.

I imagine that you live in the provinces and not in the inner city where racial tension is rife and council estates have become ghettos.

nearly 1 million poles came to this country in the last 4 years and unemployment has risen to a 20 year high, quel surprise! I for one don't want this to continue. The BNP aren't the answer, but at least they may make the major parties sit-up and listen to the forgetten people, the white working classes.
Locked Out Your views and points echoed, David.
It saddens me to hear the views Robbie puts forward.
We are {or so we are told}, above all human beings. When we begin - or begin to look gladly upon - offering "assistance" to those of different races, creeds or colours to "help" them go "home" {and where exactly IS home to anyone born here other than here?} I have to wonder where, in all, this our humanity has gone to.
The total abandonment of the concept of the United Kingdom as a safe haven for those who need it by the BNP and so many of our citizens is depressing enough. I can understand why such a policy is advocated by so many. But understanding and sympathy are two different things, and I cannot symapthise with anything which denies to the immigrant that which we expected as our birthright when it was our turn to colonise. This country grew extremely rich on the backs of the populations of the countries whose decendents we now apparently wish to "help return home". Many people would see as desirable the concept of Britain for the British.
But I'd be saddened if such a thing ever came to pass.
As a closing note I'd like to take issue with the idea that the BNP could "never" get into power. In the Germany of 1932 many people believed the same of the NSDAP. As a nation we have proved many times that we find it difficult to learn the lessons of history. We should make damn sure that we make it impoossible for fascism to rear its ugly head here in any significant way. And the only way to do that is to recognise the evil. Ignoring it isn't enough. I keep reading that those who are advocating the BNP's proposals "aren't racist".
But despite their assurances I keep being reminded of cattle trucks and "resettlement in the East".

"All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing"
BR JK has made the telling point - we are all racially mixed. I am white but from Italian/Irish descent - my other half is Jamaican from American Indian descent. Just about everyone is MIXED race in the UK already. The white indig population is probably less than 5 million of the population.

Therefore I thought the BNP only wanted those to leave who would not assimilate into the UK culture ? and they wanted to stop immigration altogether.

I think everyone of all races believes the UK benefits from immigration. But everyone believes that England in particular and the South East are too full of people. Scotland is uninhabited and parts of Wales. But England has one of the highest densities of population in the World - and parts of Central London are very crowded.

There needs to be a policy which recognises the facts - and New Labour have allowed TOO MANY people to come to an already crowded country. It is not racist to say that - it is in fact colour blind. In addition I would not let anyone who has left the UK to come back either for the time being until unemployment is less than 750,000 and housing problems have been sorted out.

Why open your doors when the Country is in a mess. We need an amnesty for 5 years to only allow those to come to this country who have a job here which cant be done by UK workers. So if a highly skilled Doctor wanted to come that would be find - if a World Class footballer wanted to come that would be fine.

What we want to stop for 5 years is ECONOMIC TOURISM - where people come here to make money and by doing so put English workers out of a job by undercutting them. They do this by having fewer overheads - often living 8 to a room and having no families to start with and being prepared to take very low wages thus undercutting the wages that have been earnt over the last 50 years by the unions.

New Labour use immigration to get votes - it was a policy to try and destroy the Tory Party in England and thus stay in power.....FOREVER. It has backfired because the problems exist for immigrants as well - plus many are leaving now there is a big recession. The New Labour voters are leaving at a rate of thousands per week.

Until we have a grown up debate - the BNP are the ONLY party that will sort this issue out. The TORIES need to publish far reaching reforms to satisfy the public - without them being racist. Just lets close the doors for 5 years to sort out the New Labour mess. That is necessary. That is not racist - it makes sense when we need to CUT so many things. Lets start by CUTTING immigration before we start cutting the jobs and services of people who live here and have paid taxes for many years. They DO DESERVE something for paying in - it is UNFAIR for immigrants to come in and take their hard earned tax money for services having never contributed to National INsurance for health etc in their lives.

Basically the system is unfair on those who work and pay in money. They are now losing their jobs and see that their pensions and benefits are being cut in order that the STATE can pay out BILLIONS to cope with immigration on this massive scale.

Immigration should not be a race issue - it should be a "services" issue - the BNP have hijacked the agenda and it will take a BRAVE PARTY to take it back and deal with it. At the moment ALAN JOHNSON and DAVID CAMERON have no guts at all - and have not given any radical solution. Whilst they continue to do that the BNP will get stronger and stronger ( Like Nazis in Germhany when the other parties were so weak ).

The BNP are on the march - the only way to stop them is to stop immigration and be fair to the ENGLISH in their own country. It is vitally important this is done or we will ALL suffer terrible consequences.