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Topic History of: The Silence - very good so far
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Wilbur dixie wrote:

We'll never invent anything so beautiful ever again!

Perhaps not - but that may not be a bad thing.

Concord(e) was an economic disaster; it is still impossible to work out how much it lost every year it flew - but it added up to 100's of £millions.

Development costs were massive (5,500 flight hours in pre-production, for example); none were ever sold and the two airlines that flew them - British Airways and Air France - were subsidised by tax-payers money.

But the worst of all was the Goverments' refusal to sell the worn out planes (and recoup some losses/costs) to Branson's Virgin Group; they could not risk him restoring and improving them - and making a profit from a market that clearly exists.

Keith Not many people know this.

An Air France Concorde is currently being restored and it is hoped that it will fly at the 2012 Summer Olympics.

What happen then? I don't know.

JK2006 I loved that plane so much Dixie - I flew on it 256 times and regular pilots said I was their most flown customer, beating David Frost.
I meant to watch the show and will catch it on iPlayer.
I was in France - Nice - when it crashed and a feeling of doom crept over me (I flew the Air France one many times too; flying to Paris and changing onto Concorde was cheaper than BA First Class Heathrow to New York).
dixie I thought about watching it, but chose to watch The Concorde story on C4. I'm surprised you, JK, weren't featured - you flew on it often enough.

It was a most interesting TV programme. What a shame the French buggered it up!

(Facinating that there is a theory that the fuel tank was over-filled that was the real cause of the fire, NOT just the strip of metal on the runway. And that the plane was overloaded with both fuel and un-accounted for luggage. Something I didn't know before last night's programme).

We'll never invent anything so beautiful ever again!
JK2006 And whoever did the sound has done a fantastic job.