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TOPIC: Serena kicks off

Serena kicks off 6 Years ago

I know that she has done a lot for women's tennis and for black and female sports stars in general, but she really must try to be a better sports person and a more humble loser. Osaka became the first Japanese player to win a grand slam, but Serena has to make the final more about her than about Osaka. She has won everything in women's tennis, has millions in the bank, but still she is greedy to win more even to the point of stepping on other peoples shoes and been abusive to line judges and umpires, so please don't ruin your legacy and just retire now because you obviously don't like losing and this is going to happen more and more often as you get older.
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Re:Serena kicks off 6 Years ago  
I have to say, robbiex, that she's still one seriously impressive tennis player, and I know that I couldn't mangle a tennis racket like that in a single takes me two or three goes.

Having seen several matches during the tournament, I didn't expect Osaka to seriously challenge Williams, but it was a very fine – and, under the circumstances, very cool – performance.

What was most fascinating was how Williams moved from challenging and insulting the umpire, and then demanding an apology, to playing the victim once the tournament referee appeared on court. Fortunately, the officials all stood their ground, but it was a highly manipulative performance.
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Re:Serena kicks off 6 Years ago  
Misa wrote:
I have to say, robbiex, that she's still one seriously impressive tennis player, and I know that I couldn't mangle a tennis racket like that in a single takes me two or three goes.

Having seen several matches during the tournament, I didn't expect Osaka to seriously challenge Williams, but it was a very fine – and, under the circumstances, very cool – performance.

What was most fascinating was how Williams moved from challenging and insulting the umpire, and then demanding an apology, to playing the victim once the tournament referee appeared on court. Fortunately, the officials all stood their ground, but it was a highly manipulative performance.

She is obviously still a great player, but I think now the top few players like Kerber, Mugurutha, and Halep are probably stronger now and she doesn't like losing so has a hissy fit. She pulled out of a match earlier this year against Sharapova, claiming that she had an injury, however I think it was more a case of been scared of losing to her arch rival, but we will never know for sure. Her sister Venus acts in a much more dignified manner.
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Re:Serena kicks off 6 Years ago  
Ramos has penalised a number of top players for violations - often just plain bad manners.

And some prima donnas - in this contactless sport - find it difficult to accept criticism.

But the game is better for the umpires' strict controls; the sport has an excellent record for sportsmanship.

Rather than being just the smiling match official - the umpire has teeth: He/she can dock a point, or a game.

The players know the rules - which are very straightforward.

Few shout 'you cannot be serious' - anymore.
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Re:Serena kicks off 6 Years ago  
I have to agree, Barney.

Some have claimed that the 'no coaching' rule is silly and should be dropped, but it doesn't seem so silly to require the players to play only against each other. Top players have enough of an advantage with a team of coaches, trainers and advisors. The last thing we need is for them to have a pack of analysts, too, beaming them updated strategies during the match.

The rule seems straightforward enough. It's no secret. Maybe it's time to enforce it more strictly.
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Re:Serena kicks off 6 Years ago  
Didn't watch it and have no idea but I am a Serena fan. Let her shout, I say!
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Re:Serena kicks off 6 Years ago  
Shouting may be fine - depending on what words are shouted.

Misa's coaching point is very relevant and topical. With a variety of devices, analysis, expert scrutiny - very helpful information is available to the trained observer, during the game.

To pass it on to a player is unacceptable.

Codes/gestures used and the practice should be eliminated. Ramos sees it regularly, and acts appropriately.

As it is illegal, but easy to deny.

The sport should involve two players only.

Some arrange outside help...
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Re:Serena kicks off 6 Years ago  
Annabel Croft who was there (commentating) talked great good sense on BBC News.
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Re:Serena kicks off 6 Years ago  
I've seen Annabel Croft quoted somewhere or other and she made a good deal more sense than most.

JK said, Let her shout, I say! I've some sympathy for this view. One might argue that the sport is much less interesting than it was, and that it was much more fun in the old days when McEnroe was regularly (mis)behaving pretty much exactly as Williams did. No doubt McEnroe generated interest in the game as much for his misbehaviour as for his playing ability.

Of course, when McEnroe was given code violations, docked points or games, or even disqualified from a tournament, the grown ups knew that their role required them to tut-tut, and say what a good player he would be if he could just control his temper. Now it seems that senior figures in the game wish to excuse the same sort of behaviour, say how unfair it all is, claim that it's part of a greater conspiracy, and change the rules into the bargain. Puerile.
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Re:Serena kicks off 6 Years ago  
Men have been doing this for years. Seems that if you are female tennis player you have to be "meek" and "mild" and not actually want to compete.

2018. Not a lot has changed.
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Re:Serena kicks off 6 Years ago  
steveimp wrote:
Men have been doing this for years. Seems that if you are female tennis player you have to be "meek" and "mild" and not actually want to compete.

2018. Not a lot has changed.

Rubbish. Ramos has docked more points and games - and issued violations - to more men than women.

Including Djacovitch and Murray. A tennis court isn't a playground - where petulance reigns.

And where the occupants get to abuse those in charge - with spurious accusations of sexism, bias and stupidity.

It is noteworthy that Williams was fined - by her own association - who could have chosen not to impose it...
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Re:Serena kicks off 6 Years ago  
I think that it was particularly disturbing that Williams said to the umpire that "You will never work on a major court again", or words to that effect. Implying that she has the power to do this hire and fire judges because she is so important. I think this is very classist to do this, demeaning someone in a more lowly job than your own.

Men have been doing this for years true, but they have been docked points, fined just like Serena, and they just had to suck it up like Serena should do.
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Re:Serena kicks off 6 Years ago  
'You will never be on a court of mine again. You are a liar'

Not sure she can dictate who umpires tennis tournaments worldwide!

To make those statements - and not get penalised - would be an even bigger story.

Having been penalised twice already...
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