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TOPIC: Are we Apple Mac or PC fans?
Are we Apple Mac or PC fans? 16 Years, 7 Months ago  
I've been a Mac since Day One - way back in the early 90's when my friend Hoover helped me start Revvolution which was all Apple and then moved onto the Tip Sheet - ditto.

I now work on MacBook Pro.
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Re:Are we Apple Mac or PC fans? 16 Years, 7 Months ago  
Still torn between many formats and combinations here.
Mac is great for Photoediting and of course Garageband, but I still prefer the main studio gear on a PC which has been built to run it.
The main PC dilemna is which processor to use, I use to be an AMD fan but prefer Pentium now.
Also bought a Gateway system for mobile use, which runs on AMD and the new Windows which is more Mac friendly, but it does seem to slow down very quickly, and is best used as a diary.
I think on the whole Windows XP media edition is my favourite.
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Re:Are we Apple Mac or PC fans? 16 Years, 7 Months ago  
Any thoughts on Intel? It's meant to make everything faster on the MacBook Pro but I don't think it does.
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Re:Are we Apple Mac or PC fans? 16 Years, 7 Months ago  
I can understand why people like Macs - they look funky esp the small notebook, but PC's are what I have been used to for the last 15 years - Macs were always used by the creative/designers. I suppose, like Blackberrys (or crackberrys as the addictives call them) once you start to use them, you cant stop. I love mine - it's so much better than the PDA I used to have.
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The Cat

Re:Are we Apple Mac or PC fans? 16 Years, 7 Months ago  
I've never tried a Mac although I hear good things about it. I use PC with Windows XP Home which is ok, although it annoyed me that I had to lose a lot of ME software on the changeover.

I've toyed with the idea of using a different OS, but know very little about the alternatives.
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Re:Are we Apple Mac or PC fans? 16 Years, 7 Months ago  
Having used both I'd say Mac hands down.

Microsoft is good marketing and crap software. During my break from music I designed websites and serviced PCs. My PC experience is extensive and I am not impressed.

I'm using a MacBook Pro to record music and am very, very happy with it. I actually like my Mac and I never had any feelings towards Windows except annoyance and a sincere dislike.

Don't for get the other OS... Linux. If you want a basic surf the web, do emails and write letters, do spreadsheets etc computer then the recent version Ubuntu will do all you need. User friendly and stable... oh and free too.
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Re:Are we Apple Mac or PC fans? 16 Years, 7 Months ago  
Mrs Marts fave is Macbook pro, I`m still undecided on the Windows Vista on this one, it`s fast when it gets going, but seems to have booting up and getting on with it problems, so you tend to not shut anything.
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Re:Are we Apple Mac or PC fans? 16 Years, 7 Months ago  
I have the same problem with Vista which is annoying because I really like it. I don't know anyone that doesn't have problems with Vista.

But after 2 days working on a new Mac in someone's office I think I may be won over.
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Re:Are we Apple Mac or PC fans? 16 Years, 7 Months ago  
To anybody who has not tried Vista yet, I think "it has pretty graphics" just about sum it up!
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Re:Are we Apple Mac or PC fans? 16 Years, 7 Months ago  
Well us Apple Mac fans smiled today at the 67% rise in profits to
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Re:Are we Apple Mac or PC fans? 16 Years, 7 Months ago  
Mart wrote:
To anybody who has not tried Vista yet, I think "it has pretty graphics" just about sum it up!

Mart wrote:
To anybody who has not tried Vista yet, I think "it has pretty graphics" just about sum it up!

Ahhh Vista!

The best argument against using MS software ever

Who's idea was it to remove the FILE EDIT VIEW... bit at the top of the window? It's been there near 20 years and is very useful indeed. But some bright spark decided to hide it.

As for "pretty graphics" Apple is prettier

As for that bloody paperclip thing...
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Re:Are we Apple Mac or PC fans? 16 Years, 7 Months ago  
I`ve actually stripped the thing bare today, got rid of all its extras and its up to about 50 mph(from 10 mph).
The 1st must know, is never use a toolbar with it.
2nd, it hates Aol and Aim.
And the 3rd and most annoying which you can`t change, is everytime you ask a simple task like, "Defragment Now", the screen goes black and you are asked a question to continue.
Actually, whilst on the defrag bit, there is no visble evidence that the computer is doing anything or even needs anything done.
4th. Conflicts in software have been too many to list, it came with Mcafee, dump that and get Norton.
Oh dear, there`s a 5th, Vista takes a lot more of the drive up than you would wish.
The plus, (and yes , there really is only one, or I`d strip it and put XP on it,)is the wav converter from vinyl etc for the car, but it`s only up there with Mac.

Comes in a cute box though!
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Re:Are we Apple Mac or PC fans? 16 Years, 7 Months ago  
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Re:Are we Apple Mac or PC fans? 16 Years, 7 Months ago  
I've only ever used a PC so maybe I am biased.

This posting just made me think though.

I work at the University in Norwich and we have hundreds if not thousands (not kidding) of computers on campus and yet I dont think I have EVER seen a Mac here!!!!

WHY? Even our computer section use PC's so why is that if Macs are supposed to be so good?

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Re:Are we Apple Mac or PC fans? 16 Years, 7 Months ago  
Minack4ever wrote:
I've only ever used a PC so maybe I am biased.

This posting just made me think though.

I work at the University in Norwich and we have hundreds if not thousands (not kidding) of computers on campus and yet I dont think I have EVER seen a Mac here!!!!

WHY? Even our computer section use PC's so why is that if Macs are supposed to be so good?


Most likely reason is cost.

You can slap together a PC much more cheaply using generic parts - although that is one of the (many) reasons why Windows PCs are unreliable. (Linux runs on a PC too, it's not the hardware that's a problem it's the software))

The quality of Macs is great, even their packaging is enjoyable (I really out to go out more).

The main issue with PCs is the Windows operating system, the triumph of marketing over quality.

Last week I upgraded from Logic 7 to Logic 8 (Apple's recording sequencing software) and the difference in an Apple product and a Microsoft one is startling.

Apple have moved a few things about - but unlike MS they have improved it. When MS move something it tends to work in exactly the same way, they just hide it to annoy one. Apple on the other hand have made the software better, it is easier to use and incredibly well thought out. The changes have brought benefits, this is not my experience with MS.

More important than the platform is the software, a keyboard, a box and a screen are pretty much the same thing.

Apple's software is brilliant. (I'm the sort of saddo who has installed Linux for fun.) Apple make software for people to use. After using a Windows box it's quite odd having an operating system that gets on with it.

At first I missed the reassurance of defraging my hard-drive and other bits of system maintenance to keep Windows running but now I've got used to something that just keeps working, that doesn't need drivers installed for every new peripheral I add, that doesn't clutter itself up to the point of malfunction, I am a Mac convert.

If you want a computer that just does what you want and lets you get on with the job, buy a Mac. If you want an office computer that's stable and just keeps running buy a PC without Windows and install the free Linux OS (Ubuntu).

If you want an expensive games machine that gets in the way trying to "help" you, runs more and more slowly for no reason, needs stupid amounts of RAM, needs over-priced processors, needs "certified" hardware or it has a hissy fit and simply stops working on a whim - pay through the nose for MS Vista.

Personally I am never going to use Vista - for music, graphics and webdesign it's a Mac for me now on. For my office machine it Ubuntu.

WIndows users who are using Internet Explorer and Outlook try Firefox and Thunderbird instead - they're free and better.

My MacBook Pro is my first Mac after using MS Windows for many years - they cost more but the hardware is excellent quality, that's what you're paying for, the same quality of parts would cost as much for a Windows PC.

The software has saved me time and time really is money. Over a year the Mac has paid for the difference in price.
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Re:Are we Apple Mac or PC fans? 16 Years, 7 Months ago  
Am I allowed to say BOTH?

I have a G5 Power PC Tower as well as a HP small desktop, both of which suit my needs fine.
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