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TOPIC: Smoking
Smoking 1 Month, 2 Weeks ago  
In principle I approve of banning nicotine and alcohol; both killers, both poisons if abused. But I really do not approve of governments making laws over personal decisions. Quite often, as with the ages of consent, that has caused misery and deaths. Yet so many stupids ignore education and information. I never took recreational drugs when almost everyone in the two worlds I grew up in - music and university - indulged. Why? Because it struck me they could be causing long term problems, like nicotine and alcohol. Many of my contemporaries took them and are now dead. Are the two connected? Who knows?
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Re:Smoking 1 Month, 2 Weeks ago  
Ooops - I see Liz Truss is agreeing with me. Since she is as close to being Satan or at least brain dead as any living or dead ex PM, I shuddered.(Read her extraordinary book).
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Re:Smoking 1 Month, 2 Weeks ago  
Part of the problem if you start banning is how far do you take it? If you accept the state should for your own protection ban unhealthy things, then this would extend in principle to cake and processed food, certainly coca-cola and Pepsi super max (far less healthy than a couple of glasses of wine, dreadful stuff). All salt. The food tastes better but it is not necessary and kills if abused. Sitting still more than 90% of the day will also need to be made illegal.
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Green Man

Re:Smoking 1 Month, 2 Weeks ago  
I am sure booze kills more people than a ciggie or a cigar.

The government needs to ban processed food and it's shocking how much salt and fat is in our foods.Even cereal is high in sugar and the brands are aimed at kids. I think kids will benefit with a fry up each morning that is cooked in olive oil.

Maybe cook your daughters some Eggs Benedict each morning with some smash avocado, then wash it down with 2 cups of herbal tea or freshly squeezed apple juice, apples from the finest trees in Surrey. Whilst your wind chimes are chiming from breeze from the Surrey Hills and your Albinoni records is spinning on your high turntable.
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Re:Smoking 1 Month, 2 Weeks ago  
I think it's a symptom of superficiality - this Century's Weapon of Ultimate Destruction by Satan (or by the streak of insanity in humanity that causes self immolation). Alcohol is poison but I enjoy a glass of wine now and then, a beer or even (yesterday) a giant JK Bloody Mary made with Malibu Rum. Smoking is, like alcohol, addictive but people should be able to control their consumption. When my Mother, at 91, was dying from veins and arteries destroyed by 70 years of smoking, she told me, if she'd known, she would never have smoked if she'd been aware of the pain it would cause.

Education, information - like so much (including The Law) - not extreme reactions (like Brexit; Lockdowns etc).
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Re:Smoking 1 Month, 2 Weeks ago  
gave up drinking alcohol 20 years ago (yes even Champagne ) and haven't missed it at all.

Both my parents gave up cigarettes in their 40s and never went back or went through withdrawals.

I tried ciggies at 14 when my favourite aunt let me smoke a pack of her Sobranie Cocktail Cigarettes which I thought were so smart..was vilely ill for a week and never touched another..very clever of her.
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Re:Smoking 1 Month, 2 Weeks ago  
Green Man wrote:
I am sure booze kills more people than a ciggie or a cigar.

The government needs to ban processed food and it's shocking how much salt and fat is in our foods.Even cereal is high in sugar and the brands are aimed at kids. I think kids will benefit with a fry up each morning that is cooked in olive oil.

Maybe cook your daughters some Eggs Benedict each morning with some smash avocado, then wash it down with 2 cups of herbal tea or freshly squeezed apple juice, apples from the finest trees in Surrey. Whilst your wind chimes are chiming from breeze from the Surrey Hills and your Albinoni records is spinning on your high turntable.

Good Lord!
Green Man, if you are thinking of inviting me for breakfast, I must regretfully inform you that I will be busy until my funeral and for some time after that.
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Re:Smoking 1 Month, 1 Week ago  
Honey wrote:
[quote]Green Man wrote:

Good Lord!
Green Man, if you are thinking of inviting me for breakfast, I must regretfully inform you that I will be busy until my funeral and for some time after that.

But Honey, if you come around and eat my magical Surrey apples (not a euphemism -please don't be alarmed) and drink of my honey-infused herbal tea; we can put off your funeral by a few hours at least...
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