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New York Giants Superbowl victory?
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TOPIC: New York Giants Superbowl victory?
New York Giants Superbowl victory? 16 Years, 4 Months ago  
It's hoping for a bit much - the Patriots are the huge favourites having won 18 in a row (incredible) but us New Yorkers need to send positive vibes so COME ON GIANTS (I'll be glued to BBC2 and cheering from W2).
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Re:New York Giants Superbowl victory? 16 Years, 4 Months ago  
Well, here I am at 3.09 after the best Superbowl EVER!

Certainly the best I ever saw.

It ended with my New York Giants winning (as they did in 1991 when I was there in Tampa) but the whole game was terrific. Splendid game. I'll never get to sleep now (quite apart from my phone going crazy).
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Re:New York Giants Superbowl victory? 16 Years, 4 Months ago  
I remember how the Simpsons poked fun at American Football, in the episode where Homer gave up drinking and was sat gazing at the Superbowl while all around him cheered. He said, "I'd forgotten how boring this game is when you're sober."

I enjoy baseball but NFL does nothing for me.

Glad you enjoyed it though, JK. To each his own.
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Re:New York Giants Superbowl victory? 16 Years, 4 Months ago  
Isn't it astonishing how brilliant the Simpsons continues to be? A lesson in quality control.

But even Homer would have been gripped by last night's game - thank God it was the one that happened to be the BBC live transmission - anyone who saw it must have been hooked.

There was a moment near the end when the Giants quarterback Eli Manning did a fantastic escape job from the arms of burly Patriots and threw a superb pass caught incredibly way over a Giant's head - who gave a giant leap in the air to do so.

Probably the single best few seconds in American Football in years.
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Re:New York Giants Superbowl victory? 16 Years, 4 Months ago  
[b]My Dad and I were both metaphorically glued to the screen during those last few moments of the fourth quarter... sport at its best. That's what gives American Football a slight advantage over the English game... no broken metatarsals in sight and an equally impressive half-time show to boot.

I understand that the game has to be played to the last second but the field rush was rather a wet start to a possibly great celebration but, who cares? The Giants did it... always go for the underdog as it'll bite back. Plaxico Burress
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Mike Willis

Re:New York Giants Superbowl victory? 16 Years, 4 Months ago  
I am not really a fan of American Football, however, when I went to USA in 2002 saw the New York Giants play and thought it was a fabulous experience.

Totally different to a football game, a nicer atmosphere and I found that people who go to the game use it as a social occasion to catch up with friends. Loved the fact that you were able to buy food and alcohol from your seat, as their was always somebody going round selling these items.

It lasted about 5 hours, but the time flew by.

Since 2002, I have always watched the Superbowl and this year was the best I've seen and I agree on the that pass from Eli Manning to Burress for the winning touchdown.

Thought it was well covered by the BBC as well, normally tune into Sky Sports (they were covering it as well) but gave the Beeb a try.

Really chuffed the Giants won as they were 14/1 against to win.

Didn't realise two things that Eli Mannings' brother Leyton won the MVP with Indianpolis Colts and the Patriots would have been the first team to go unbeaten the whole season (19-0).

Feel shattered going into work for 8-30am, but well worth the watch.
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Re:New York Giants Superbowl victory? 16 Years, 4 Months ago  
It's PEYTON Manning Mike - yes, he was watching his baby brother (the loser in the family - until last night!) from a box high in the sky.

I agree about the BBC coverage - very good indeed, and the kid who hosted it did a really excellent job for a rookie.

I was lucky enough to attend the LAST Giants Superbowl victory (another nailbiter - a one point win in Tampa).

What a game! What a terrific escape from those Patriots Manning made - very like my favourite alltime Quarterback (and I went to his Superbowl wins too) JOHN ELWAY of the Broncos - I interviewed him as an 18 year old in the 80's.
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Mike Willis

Re:New York Giants Superbowl victory? 16 Years, 4 Months ago  
Think I pressed the wrong button on the keyboard.

The rookie presenter seems a really good all-rounder at his sport, as he has done a bit of football as well.

I thought that Steve Spagnuolo was excellent as well and he really did a good job on the Patriot forward.

John Elway is a blast from the past and he was a very good American Football Player.

I hope that they do another game at Wembley and if it's the Giants I'll try and get a ticket.

Seeing the Superbowl live JK, must have been a fabulous experience.
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Re:New York Giants Superbowl victory? 16 Years, 4 Months ago  
My 11 yr old cousin in the USA can talk for ages about NFL, and he recently spent an hour enthusing to me about the Superbowl, although he was rooting for the Patriots. When his New Jersey team lost an important game he was depressed for days. For me, he's the most entertaining thing connected with American Football. I did go with him to a game once, and had the same feelings as Homer, although I was impressed by the atmosphere and the hot dogs.
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Re:New York Giants Superbowl victory? 16 Years, 4 Months ago  
Oh yes, Mike - leaving aside the game, hearing Whitney's sublime Star Spangled Banner (which I included in the Brits that year and got huge shit from the industry) followed spot on time by a huge stealth bomber flying one inch above the Tampa stadium (so close it blacked out the entire stadium), I've never been more impressed.

I took the new MD of Virgin USA, my friend Ray Cooper, to the Superbowl Elway win in San Diego a year or two later - he could not believe how impressive it was.

They brought fresh sushi and fine French wines to your seat!
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Mike Willis

Re:New York Giants Superbowl victory? 16 Years, 4 Months ago  
I seem to remember that being played, was it 1991 or 1992, the Brits are another story in itself, can't say I found it offensive, in fact it was nice that the format was different. Always think Maggie thatcher crooning 'How much is that doggie in the window' was priceless.

The Superbowl should be listed as '100 things to do before you die' as the one NY Giants game I saw, was one of the most fantastic things I've done. The Superbowl with all the entertainment is possibly one of the most impressive occasions in the world.

Although I am a massive football fan, I wish sometimes that we copy the way USA does things sometimes, I think it would quell the unnecessary nastiness that goes on with opposing fans.

I saw none of that in 2002 when I saw the Giants play, in fact everyone was socialising with each other.

Hope the Giants play at Wembley this year.

I bet you would like to do another Superbowl JK, your experiences sound brilliant?
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