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TOPIC: We were once on Mars
We were once on Mars 16 Years ago  
My theory?

The same happened millions of years ago - the human race took over and blew it; slowly global warming turned to freezing. I spotted a Mars Bar wrapper in these new photos.

Other planets were spat out by the sun and slowly cooled down until they became water holding and life feasible.

Soon Earth will become like Mars.

Then Venus will cool down, life will start, and in millions of years someone else will make Vile Pervert: The Musical... just before the human race becomes extinct - shortly ahead of Life On Mercury kicking in.
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Re:We were once on Mars 16 Years ago  
There will never be life on Mercury until they invest in some new acts in abundance and Mars really needs to host a song contest.
As for Venus, she had it ,baby, she had it and blew it.
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Re:We were once on Mars 16 Years ago  
So Mr Bowie got it wrong...should have sung was there life on mars.
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Re:We were once on Mars 16 Years ago  
I have a friend who is a world renowned astronomer and worked for NASA at times. As he is the one who discovered the underground rivelets of water on Mars- with his laptop he can link into any of their work at any time . He once linked into the current Mars probe for me to watch ( which has survived far longer than they thought it would.)

It's the most amazing thing-watching this probing thing digging up very fine sand like material and knowing you are actually watching it live on Mars.

He's convinced the latest probe will find even the most miniscule of fossils which is all they need to re-write everything we know.

But scientists are absolutely annoying people. He agrees that in the infinity of space the chances of a similar solar system to ours must exist-possibly thousands of them but so far away we could never get near them , and with all the identical systems to support life. But he doesn't believe in UFOs.
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Re:We were once on Mars 16 Years ago  
I think that UFO`s have to believed in as there must be a lot of things that fly about which nobody knows what they are!
What if anything is in them, who could say.
I saw one once, I`m not claiming any green men of course, but quite simply nobody who saw the thing could offer an explanation for it, so that makes it a UFO in any book.
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Re:We were once on Mars 16 Years ago  
veritas wrote:
He agrees that in the infinity of space the chances of a similar solar system to ours must exist-possibly thousands of them but so far away we could never get near them , and with all the identical systems to support life. But he doesn't believe in UFOs.

So put this to him.

We are sending unmanned probes to Mars which get more advanced with every mission.

Why is it not possible that there are more advanced civilisations in far-off places sending probes to Earth?
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Re:We were once on Mars 16 Years ago  
veritas wrote:
But scientists are absolutely annoying people. He agrees that in the infinity of space the chances of a similar solar system to ours must exist-possibly thousands of them but so far away we could never get near them , and with all the identical systems to support life. But he doesn't believe in UFOs.

I don't understand what you think is wrong or annoying about this position?

I am assuming you are using UFO to mean aliens from outer space if you are your friend stance seems perfect sensible to me.

Mart wrote:
I think that UFO`s have to believed in as there must be a lot of things that fly about which nobody knows what they are!
What if anything is in them, who could say.
I saw one once, I`m not claiming any green men of course, but quite simply nobody who saw the thing could offer an explanation for it, so that makes it a UFO in any book.

Indeed if identified it wouldn't be a UFO by definition.

(PS Sorry not to have tipped your CD yet ... I'll get to it soon, been a bit busy)
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Re:We were once on Mars 16 Years ago  
K wrote:
veritas wrote:
He agrees that in the infinity of space the chances of a similar solar system to ours must exist-possibly thousands of them but so far away we could never get near them , and with all the identical systems to support life. But he doesn't believe in UFOs.

So put this to him.

We are sending unmanned probes to Mars which get more advanced with every mission.

Why is it not possible that there are more advanced civilisations in far-off places sending probes to Earth?

It is possible but there is no reliable evidence that they have/do.

From what I know of this sciencey fellow he is being perfectly reasonable.
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Re:We were once on Mars 16 Years ago  
zooloo wrote:
K wrote:
veritas wrote:
He agrees that in the infinity of space the chances of a similar solar system to ours must exist-possibly thousands of them but so far away we could never get near them , and with all the identical systems to support life. But he doesn't believe in UFOs.

So put this to him.

We are sending unmanned probes to Mars which get more advanced with every mission.

Why is it not possible that there are more advanced civilisations in far-off places sending probes to Earth?

It is possible but there is no reliable evidence that they have/do.

From what I know of this sciencey fellow he is being perfectly reasonable.
Yes I accept that but the problem is every shred of evidence, no matter how outstanding or believable can easily be debunked.

Like, "Oh time travel is impossible otherwise we'd meet people who had travelled forwards/backwards in time". BOLLOCKS! If someone appeared in our time with every scrap of evidence they were from the past or future it would make no difference, they'd be laughed at and incarcerated, end of. Nobody would take them seriously.

The BBC did a news story recently about the files being opened on UFO's and completely debunked the crop circles mystery saying one man did it with a piece of wood. Fair enough, but I've seen a crop circle created by that man and it was shit! Not only that, these things were (still are?) popping up in fields throughout the world daily, quite a jet-setter this old boy eh?
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Re:We were once on Mars 16 Years ago  
As a Donnie Darko fan, up working at 5.30 in the morning, time travel does seem completely possible!
However, that theory is of course, the biggest fantasy known to man and anyone claiming to be a time traveller should really get help!

(any theories that I have proven this after just waking up on a lost highway, with a push-bike after a meeting with a large rabbit are denied!)
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Re:We were once on Mars 16 Years ago  
K wrote:
Yes I accept that but the problem is every shred of evidence, no matter how outstanding or believable can easily be debunked.

Like, "Oh time travel is impossible otherwise we'd meet people who had travelled forwards/backwards in time". BOLLOCKS! If someone appeared in our time with every scrap of evidence they were from the past or future it would make no difference, they'd be laughed at and incarcerated, end of. Nobody would take them seriously.

The BBC did a news story recently about the files being opened on UFO's and completely debunked the crop circles mystery saying one man did it with a piece of wood. Fair enough, but I've seen a crop circle created by that man and it was shit! Not only that, these things were (still are?) popping up in fields throughout the world daily, quite a jet-setter this old boy eh?

I disagree entirely with your first point - if there was reliable evidence by definition it cannot be debunked.

Equally the second statement, until somebody does "appear[ed] in our time with every scrap of evidence they were from the past or future" it is a strawman argument.

Crop circles - perhaps there's more than this one person doing them?

By all the points made here the reasoning is flawed by logical fallacy and the conclusions arbitrary.
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Re:We were once on Mars 16 Years ago  
zooloo wrote:

I disagree entirely with your first point - if there was reliable evidence by definition it cannot be debunked.

Equally the second statement, until somebody does "appear[ed] in our time with every scrap of evidence they were from the past or future" it is a strawman argument.
There have been cases where there have been 100
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Re:We were once on Mars 16 Years ago  
K wrote:
[quote]zooloo wrote:

I disagree entirely with your first point - if there was reliable evidence by definition it cannot be debunked.

Equally the second statement, until somebody does "appear[ed] in our time with every scrap of evidence they were from the past or future" it is a strawman argument.
There have been cases where there have been 100
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Re:We were once on Mars 16 Years ago  
zooloo wrote:

Do you have a reference for your first point and the 100s of witnesses and video footage please.
LOL, what did your last slave die of?! Details are out there, go find them.

zooloo wrote:

Somebody claiming to be from the future with no evidence would, quite rightly, be scoffed at. To suppose that if they had reliable evidence they'd still be scoffed at is a nonsense.
And that evidence would be in the form of?
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Re:We were once on Mars 16 Years ago  
My father-in-law is a scientist.

They are frustrating people to talk to at times. They wil only accept what is scientifically proved yet must have some belief in what isn't proved to keep searching for something they don't yet know about.

Mars is an example. They have calculated that it is the most likely of planets in our solar system to have contained some sort of life so therefore that's why they are seeking out if remains exist.

I personally think perhaps there could be a zillion solar systems like ours-perhaps a zillion inhabited planets like ours. But ask a scientist and he will say because they cannot reach another solar system yet they can't prove it so they can't believe in it.

Despite all this-my father-in-law is a staunch Catholic and goes to church and prays to a God he can't prove exists.

It's a funny old world !!

(nb: in the case of my NASA friend-who knows-he may have seen all that real evidence about UFO's they say exists and is kept from us on purpose !)
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Re:We were once on Mars 16 Years ago  
I take it you BREATH AIR you cant see ?

you sit on chairs without testing them first scientifically

in addition you have WI FI in your office which means you can read this now

30 years ago the very idea of WI FI and streaming live TV channels would have made people laugh and scoff

I think there is much to come that we dont understand and perhaps some of it will prove to be quite exciting

If we are the most advanced people in the Universe ( as many have us believe ) then why cant we even feed ourselves - why is there so much violence and destruction from war ?

Deluded springs to mind when people say there is no chance of life on other planets - and no chance that Alien life is ever here.............

I would say that probably we are visited. But like someone has rightly pointed out - if you were a visitor you are not going to announce it because at worst no one will believe you and at best you will be stuck in a lab.

Who knows - we could all be here and being visited from other Planets "under invisibility cloaks" as some sort of THEME PARK - BIG BROTHER type tourist attraction. Hence the unpredictable nature of everything. Makes for more exiting viewing and visits.

Now go and try to disprove that ( or prove it )
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Re:We were once on Mars 16 Years ago  
K wrote:
zooloo wrote:

Do you have a reference for your first point and the 100s of witnesses and video footage please.
LOL, what did your last slave die of?! Details are out there, go find them.

Shall I take that as "No I don't have a reference for my assertion"?

Anyway given the huge proliferation of cameras one would expect a mountain of convincing material by now if the claims had substance - there isn't because they do not QED.

zooloo wrote:

Somebody claiming to be from the future with no evidence would, quite rightly, be scoffed at. To suppose that if they had reliable evidence they'd still be scoffed at is a nonsense.
And that evidence would be in the form of?

What comes to my mind is if I were able to travel back to Victorian times - my clothing would be an obvious anomaly in style and manufacture. Other things like my battery powered watch, my cigarette lighter and such would certainly lend credence to my claim.

Perhaps I could "predict" the winners of the Derby or have a copy of next week's Times. It wouldn't be direct proof but would again lend credence to my claim

Perhaps the best way would be to demonstrate my time-machine in action.
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Re:We were once on Mars 16 Years ago  
zooloo wrote:
K wrote:
zooloo wrote:

Do you have a reference for your first point and the 100s of witnesses and video footage please.
LOL, what did your last slave die of?! Details are out there, go find them.

Shall I take that as "No I don't have a reference for my assertion"?

Anyway given the huge proliferation of cameras one would expect a mountain of convincing material by now if the claims had substance - there isn't because they do not QED.

zooloo wrote:

Somebody claiming to be from the future with no evidence would, quite rightly, be scoffed at. To suppose that if they had reliable evidence they'd still be scoffed at is a nonsense.
And that evidence would be in the form of?

What comes to my mind is if I were able to travel back to Victorian times - my clothing would be an obvious anomaly in style and manufacture. Other things like my battery powered watch, my cigarette lighter and such would certainly lend credence to my claim.

Perhaps I could "predict" the winners of the Derby or have a copy of next week's Times. It wouldn't be direct proof but would again lend credence to my claim

Perhaps the best way would be to demonstrate my time-machine in action.
Zooloo, if you look back my original post was asking (the charming) Veritas to pose a question to his friend which was not unreasonable to anyone with an open mind. For some reason you seem to have taken it upon yourself to incite an argument about nothing and simply because I'm not idiotic enough to stoop to your level of pointlessness and go out of my way to provide evidence, you crown yourself the winner of 'nothing' with a smiley. Well done sir, crack open the champagne.

Oh and if you do invent a time machine please do make a point of travelling into the past and "proving" to the people of that time you're from the future. I look forward to checking my history books for "the cremation of 'future boy'".
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Re:We were once on Mars 16 Years ago  
K wrote:
Zooloo, if you look back my original post was asking (the charming) Veritas to pose a question to his friend which was not unreasonable to anyone with an open mind. For some reason you seem to have taken it upon yourself to incite an argument about nothing and simply because I'm not idiotic enough to stoop to your level of pointlessness and go out of my way to provide evidence, you crown yourself the winner of 'nothing' with a smiley. Well done sir, crack open the champagne.

Oh and if you do invent a time machine please do make a point of travelling into the past and "proving" to the people of that time you're from the future. I look forward to checking my history books for "the cremation of 'future boy'".

This is a very odd post, I am at a loss to why you've starting insulting me.

I haven't been rude have I? If you post something on a public forum it's perfectly reasonable for others to respond to that post, is it not.

Your comment that you are not idiotic enough to provide some foundation or evidence to back-up an assertion seems rather bizarre - how is that being idiotic?

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Re:We were once on Mars 16 Years ago  
If time travel does exist - then there would only be one rule. Not to change what has already happened. Pointers may be allowed but it would be heavily controlled surely by any "future races".........

Therefore no evidence for the future is ever to be found in the past even if the past is visited from the future.
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