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TOPIC: The Latest From Jacqui Smith
The Latest From Jacqui Smith 15 Years, 7 Months ago

This is very disturbing.

Jacqui Smith claims that she is "regularly" approached by people who WANT ID Cards.

Oh yeah? How many people can even get the chance to even "approach" her and even those who do are more likely to want to give her abuse than demand the enforcing of ID Cards.

Don't believe a word of it. It is THIS very issue we all MUST make some kind of a stand against. Once the ID card gets in, that's it. We are all prisoners.
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Re:The Latest From Jacqui Smith 15 Years, 7 Months ago  
She is so deluded that these are what hospitals call "imaginary friends".

It is like when BROWN said that he had abolished "Boom and Bust" only for the biggest economic crisis of the last 100 years to develop in the last few months.

I will never carry an ID card - I am prepared for whatever the Fascist State has in store for me for my refusal to carry this card. Everyone I speak to says the same.

If they make services dependent on the card ( eg doctors etc ) I am sure we will see many doctors who refuse to "take the card" offer treatment.

Many Christians believe these chipped cards are the precursor of the "number of the beast" eventually all of us will be "chipped" at birth into our hand or shoulder. This is their ultimate aim - so cards probably are just the warm up act.
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Re:The Latest From Jacqui Smith 15 Years, 7 Months ago  
tell her to hold a referendum on ID cards and she'll see how many want them.
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Re:The Latest From Jacqui Smith 15 Years, 7 Months ago  
veritas wrote:
tell her to hold a referendum on ID cards and she'll see how many want them.

No chance of a referendum on ID cards. I voted for Blair in 1997 partly because I wanted a referendum on Europe, a "promise" that's never been met.

They know damn well if they did have one on ID Cards the majority would be against it. They will use every tactic and trick in the book to inflict them upon us all.
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Re:The Latest From Jacqui Smith 15 Years, 7 Months ago  
is Tony Blair the greatest confidence trick ever played on the British public ?

I thought he was brilliant at the time (and I was so upset when John Smith died suddenly).

I lived through the entire Thatcher era..I know many people loved her but I just hated everything she stood for..despite actually meeting her once and finding her an amazingly likable person and far softer than she appeared.

But everything that the Major goverment was doing that Tony Blair said he would reverse -he just continued but at a greater pace.I think Blair made Maggie look like an old leftie !

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Re:The Latest From Jacqui Smith 15 Years, 7 Months ago  
Good post. I liked Thatcher but found that Major really messed up many things - though the economy turned around under him with Clark as Chancellor.

The Blair Revolution which we all expected never happened. It was all "window dressing" and "spin"

I think that re Obama in the USA most of us Brits are cynical because we had our "obama" moment in 1997 only to be let down massively.

Blair seemed to live for TV opportunity seeing himself as a rock star rather than a politician. Shame because if Labour had decided to take on the task of rebuilding the NHS and Schools ( and not just the buildings ) it would have been really exciting.

The Iraq War probably took the money that Blair had set aside to carry out his plans. In addition it took all his time and effort.

I would LOVE Jacqui Smith - to turn around and say her priority was to sort out alongside the Health and Education Secretaries the things that BOTHER us as citizens.

What she does not understand is that Terrorism is a concept - it effects hardly anybody. Therefore, the only people who may want an ID card are extreme right wingers who see it as a way to control immigration ( which it wont ).

It would be fantastic is the Government put
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