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Police Try and SMEAR Boris Johnson !!
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TOPIC: Police Try and SMEAR Boris Johnson !!

Police Try and SMEAR Boris Johnson !! 15 Years, 6 Months ago  
Sir Paul Stevenson should resign.

To SMEAR our elected Mayor is disgraceful.

The POLICE are now trying to smear "our" BORIS>

Gordon Brown and Sir Paul are NOT ELECTED by anyone. They are self appointed representatives of the NWO POLICE STATE which is growing stronger every day and taking more action every day.

Read the DAILY MAIL front page today - ID CARDS are now compulsory - this has happened OVERNIGHT. I am totally shocked by this. If you dont carry ID you will get a
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Francis D

Re:Police Try and SMEAR Boris Johnson !! 15 Years, 6 Months ago  
What do you expect David Cameron to do?
He cannot force an election, and he cannot organise a coup. He can only challenge the government in the normal way, and he is already doing that continuously.
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Re:Police Try and SMEAR Boris Johnson !! 15 Years, 6 Months ago  
One of the big problems about new resrictive laws is not present governments-it's how they maybe used in the future by a not so friendly bunch of politicians.

Have you ever heard of police wanting fewer laws ?. It never happens of course and once new laws are in place , getting them removed is an impossible task.

We have a prime example of the terrorist scare used so successfully by the government in recent years..the raid on Parliament and an MP's office using the anti-terrorism laws as an excuse.

everyone shold be alarmed by ID card laws yet what are the chances we will see people in the streets en masse like the poll tax demos ?. I think the general public is so bewildered by everything that is crisis etc, that all sorts of laws will be in place before you know it.
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Re:Police Try and SMEAR Boris Johnson !! 15 Years, 6 Months ago  
Gordon Brown has been elected, he's MP for Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath.

If you're complaining he wasn't elected as Prime Minister, name on e Prime Minister who was elected. (Clue: they are appointed by the Queen not elected)
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Re:Police Try and SMEAR Boris Johnson !! 15 Years, 6 Months ago  
let me hazard a guess that BR made a typing error in his haste to bring us news of the latest conspiracy..and he meant to name the 2 police commisioners.

Or was he saying that Brown was elected PM by his party rather than a general election vote ?

either way..he probably should make the most of it as I doubt he will be re-elected as PM.
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Re:Police Try and SMEAR Boris Johnson !! 15 Years, 6 Months ago  
veritas wrote:
let me hazard a guess that BR made a typing error in his haste to bring us news of the latest conspiracy..and he meant to name the 2 police commisioners.

Or was he saying that Brown was elected PM by his party rather than a general election vote ?

either way..he probably should make the most of it as I doubt he will be re-elected as PM.

Brown was not elected PM but then again no-one has ever been elected PM.

If there is an issue it's not with Brown or his party but with Queen Elizabeth.

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Re:Police Try and SMEAR Boris Johnson !! 15 Years, 6 Months ago  
I'm sure you really know what people mean by elected as PM, Zooloo.

When I vote at a general election I look at the party leader - the person who will be in No.10. I have a sister who voted Labour purely because she liked Tony Blair (silly girl). She did not like William Hague because he was balled. In a general election I vote for the party leader because he/she will be in ultimate charge of policy.

I did not vote Labour, so do not really care who leads them. My sister voted Labour, but says she will not vote for them under Brown's leadership. I know several others who have said the same.

In short, the leader of a party does make a difference to the way many people vote, effectively making the PM elected even though, officially, he/she are not.
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Re:Police Try and SMEAR Boris Johnson !! 15 Years, 6 Months ago  
Denise wrote:

I did not vote Labour, so do not really care who leads them. My sister voted Labour, but says she will not vote for them under Brown's leadership. I know several others who have said the same.

In short, the leader of a party does make a difference to the way many people vote, effectively making the PM elected even though, officially, he/she are not.

Big problem is as JK pointed out a few weeks ago, who is there to actually choose from?

I can't stand Brown. No vote.

I cannot stand the sight of Cameron... makes my skin crawl and I don't trust Tories. No vote.

Who is that guy leading the Lib Dems? 'Nuff said. No vote.

I'm getting the feeling there may well be many thinking the same thing. Problem is... no matter WHO you vote for, the government always gets in.

And who can trust MP's today?
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Re:Police Try and SMEAR Boris Johnson !! 15 Years, 6 Months ago  
I think we're starting to build a team; William Hague; Vince Cable; Ken Clarke; Tony Benn; Claire Curtis-Thomas; Ronnie Campbell... it's starting to come together. A government of all the people.
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Re:Police Try and SMEAR Boris Johnson !! 15 Years, 6 Months ago  
I'd like to add Shirley Williams to your list,JK.

My Dad worked with both Ken Clarke and Shirley Williams in his career and has nothing but praise for both.
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Re:Police Try and SMEAR Boris Johnson !! 15 Years, 6 Months ago  
Denise wrote:
I'm sure you really know what people mean by elected as PM, Zooloo.

When I vote at a general election I look at the party leader - the person who will be in No.10. I have a sister who voted Labour purely because she liked Tony Blair (silly girl). She did not like William Hague because he was balled. In a general election I vote for the party leader because he/she will be in ultimate charge of policy.

I did not vote Labour, so do not really care who leads them. My sister voted Labour, but says she will not vote for them under Brown's leadership. I know several others who have said the same.

In short, the leader of a party does make a difference to the way many people vote, effectively making the PM elected even though, officially, he/she are not.

Should we primarily base what we say and do on what people "think" or on facts?
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Re:Police Try and SMEAR Boris Johnson !! 15 Years, 6 Months ago  
Not forgetting Alex Salmond. Who?!! Yes him. Put him in. He's done more for Scotland in a matter of months that Labour couldn't do in years.
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