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Unemployment heading towards 7 million
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TOPIC: Unemployment heading towards 7 million

Unemployment heading towards 7 million 15 Years, 6 Months ago  
In September 1.8 million were out of work with around 2.2 million on incapacity benefit with a futher 1 million not looking for work.

So in reality 5 million were out of work.

But job losses every day since them - some of them in the thousands mean that if this continues we could see by the summer of 2009/

3.5 million unemployed 2.5 million on incapacity benefit and 1 million still not looking for work.

This would out of a UK population of 59 million mean that though in 1981 UB40 sang about a 1 in 10 - we would be in the position where it could be a 1 in 9 or even a 1 in 8.

BROWN is cosmetically adjusting everything in favour of the banks and the rich - yet as the press reported today some towns in the NORTH have 50% unemployed and on benefits and worse. In WALES companies are shutting every day and it could be worse than when the mines shut in the mid 80s. Even in the SOUTH EAST shops are closing every day - and Estate Agents - Car Dealers and many service industries are going to the wall.

And still no bold policies of how to help the poor and unemployed from BROWN - not a single policy about the unemployed. At least the TORIES introduced policies to get people into jobs in the last two recessions. We are seeing paralysis as BROWN tinkers with economic stimulus packages which never reach the poor.

In many countries people are taking to the streets to protest against the slump ( Thailand - Greece etc ) under the "name" of something else ( cough ) and it is only a matter of time before the USA and the UK stsrt to see street protests as whole areas are laid off and have no money.

BROWN is a modern NERO - and he is fiddling the figures as the economy burns.

If you have money in shares - remove it - remove any pensions - because the real stock market crash is just around the corner. Once the USA car makers cant be bailed out then the USA will see a 3,000 point fall in stocks which will lead to a 1500 point fall in the UK - and it gets nearer every day.
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Re:Unemployment heading towards 7 million 15 Years, 6 Months ago  
BR, yes indeed unemployment is rising and it ain't good.

but I don't think it's right to add the figure if those on Incapacity Benefit to the unemplyed figure.

I'm on Incapacity Benefit and don't consider myself unemployed- I'm sick.
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Re:Unemployment heading towards 7 million 15 Years, 6 Months ago  
I think you may be the one who is "cosmetically adjusting" figures. Does it not occur to you that the 2.2 million on incapacity benefit are INCAPABLE of finding work out of no fault of their own? Another 1 million might not want to work as they may be stay at home mothers/fathers, fortunate enough not to need to work or choose not to work because they are below retirement age and take early retirement? Yet another negative, unfounded, senationalised piece of nonsense.
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Chris Retro

Re:Unemployment heading towards 7 million 15 Years, 6 Months ago  
My mum works at a jobcentre - and says that the numbers claiming jobseekers allowance have in fact DOUBLED in the last 6 months - and she expects this rise considerably in the coming months as more firms cut back or go bust - and bear in mind there are currently many would-be claimants working seasonal jobs who will be back signing on in January....
What's more she doesn't work in a city-centre office but one in a 'middle-class' area...
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Re:Unemployment heading towards 7 million 15 Years, 6 Months ago  
Meanwhile, our lunatic government choose an economic recession where jobs are being lost by thousands each week to threaten the unemployed with dire consequences if they don't find work.

When jobs are few, the long term unemployed will be the last to be considered by employers who are looking for recent references and experience.

A government minister admitted on BBC Question Time, a few months ago, that the number of people out of work was near 5 million. Most did not claim unemployment benefit and so were not counted in the official jobless figures. People had been shuffled on to various other benefits in order to keep the figures low.
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Re:Unemployment heading towards 7 million 15 Years, 6 Months ago  
Unemployment figures were being fiddled with in the early 90's. A relative of mine worked in a job centre and she told me it was "standard procedure" to bump the figures down monthly. If every job centre was doing this, then one shudders to think what the REAL total of unemployed people actually was.

So I can well believe that the current number is incorrect and that it is higher than officially claimed.
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Re:Unemployment heading towards 7 million 15 Years, 6 Months ago  
For those on Incapacity Benefit - I do realise that many of the 2.2 million are genuinely unable to work due to illness.

But would you agree with me that if you are on Incapacity Benefit and over 40 that employers wont employ you anymore ? It seems that Incapacity Benefit is more of a prison - for very little money.

I dont believe outside the hardcore workshy - that anyone wants to be one of the 7 million. Everyone wants to work more.

I think the min wage should be
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