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Oh dear, terribly sorry, here's a few quid...
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TOPIC: Oh dear, terribly sorry, here's a few quid...
Oh dear, terribly sorry, here's a few quid... 15 Years, 5 Months ago  
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Re:Oh dear, terribly sorry, here's a few quid... 15 Years, 5 Months ago  
I remember you posting about a flood of these types of cases a few years ago JK - and it looks as if there are going to be many more compensation pay outs in future.

There are now many kids who are going to take Councils to court because they were RETURNED to abusive situations as children.

It seems that our Social Services and Police protect the Guilty and punish the innocent. I have struggled to work that one out for many many years - but it does seem to be happening on a daily basis and not just one offs. Baby P - is the norm for authorities like Harringay - Enfield - Essex etc.

It is just that sometimes it gets into the press - and then everyone throws their hands in the air calling for something to be done. A few people lose their jobs and then things carry on exactly as before.

I had expected Ed Balls to do something after his passionate speech. But he then appoints another TAINTED Social Services leader to Harringay and back pedals on all the main ideas he had.

This particular case shows that the Police will attack you if you report anything to them if they can.

We are seeing people reporting misbehaviour - only to be arrested later because of counter allegations by criminals. Then the innocent person gets dragged into the courts process - DNA - etc and becomes totally disillusioned with the Police in the UK. There are now hundreds of thousands of ordinary law abiding citizens who have been harassed by the Police in this way - compensation never makes up for it sadly.

The Justice System needs overhauling totally. It is now a joke and does not have much public support.
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Re:Oh dear, terribly sorry, here's a few quid... 15 Years, 5 Months ago  
And will the TWO quacks who made the errors that caused this debacle be held accountable? I hope so, but very much doubt it.
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