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BILDERBERG : as revealed in today's Standard
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TOPIC: BILDERBERG : as revealed in today's Standard

BILDERBERG : as revealed in today's Standard 15 Years, 4 Months ago  
Lord Mandy
George Osborne
Ken Clarke

All at the BILDERBERG conference last summer


Agents of the NWO

Ready to do their bidding.

Neither Cameron or Brown has any choice in this matter.

Evening Standard in CITY SPY notes this precise thing today ( Slipped it in for all of us who know about these things )

The "Crisis" was created in the Bilderberg Group. These three men hold the key to the UK future I believe.
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Re:BILDERBERG : as revealed in today's Standard 15 Years, 4 Months ago  
When a conspiracy theorist tells me what is going to happen and when, and then I see that it actually does happen at that time, I might begin to believe it. To take various past events and mould them to fit some theoretical agenda doesn't do much for me at all.

As far as I'm concerned the only real NWO was a wrestling partnership featuring Hulk Hogan. I've seen no genuine proof of any other.
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Re:BILDERBERG : as revealed in today's Standard 15 Years, 4 Months ago  
JC - I am not a conspiracy theorist as such.

I just think that if you study the Bilderberg Group ( Secret Rulers of the World ) then it all makes sense.

Jon Ronson introduced me to this through a Magazine article in the Guardian many years ago.

I think if you look at Alex Jones work re this Group then you will see loads of hard evidence. But if you refuse to look at the evidence then you can say it is not there.

As a political historian there is more evidence for proposing that The Bilderberg Group has the biggest influence on the World above Government and peoples - than say many of the stories that we take for granted as history from the past.

If I had told you that both MANDY and CLARKE would be major players in the UK on the front bench of each party just 6 months ago you would have laughed.

But at the Conference in the summer the seeds were sown - and on the Yacht. Osborne's office is funded by the Bilderbergs !! what more proof do you need ?
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Re:BILDERBERG : as revealed in today's Standard 15 Years, 4 Months ago  
I'm not sure who the 2nd JC is but it's not me (the 1st one). Kinda confusing innit? But I'm not talking to myself.

I would not have laughed if someone had suggested that Mandelson or Clark would be back on the front benches. Mandelson is the master of come-backs, and it's not long since Clark was a contender for leadership. Neither have been fully out of the picture since their last major appearances.

Still not convinced!
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Re:BILDERBERG : as revealed in today's Standard 15 Years, 4 Months ago  
From IP numbers it seems BR left the message - addressed to your comment JC?.

I've altered the posts accordingly.

BR - correct me if I got it wrong.
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Re:BILDERBERG : as revealed in today's Standard 15 Years, 4 Months ago  
JC wrote:
When a conspiracy theorist tells me what is going to happen and when, and then I see that it actually does happen at that time, I might begin to believe it. To take various past events and mould them to fit some theoretical agenda doesn't do much for me at all.

As far as I'm concerned the only real NWO was a wrestling partnership featuring Hulk Hogan. I've seen no genuine proof of any other.

A lot of conspiracy theorists were suggesting that something would happen either yesterday or today after the Obama inaugeration. Nothing has (yet) obviously.
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Re:BILDERBERG : as revealed in today's Standard 15 Years, 4 Months ago  
Alex Jones is a brilliant broadcaster (and ripe for E-USA JK if it was still around in a strange sort of way) but he has an amazing ability to exaggerate the issues to the point where they are totally ludicrous.

This doesn't take away from that a lot of what he says is most probably right, but these flights of fancy take away a lot of the meat on the bones of his arguments.
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Re:BILDERBERG : as revealed in today's Standard 15 Years, 4 Months ago  
The oddest thing is people believing that there aren't conspiracies...when all around them they are happening.

In essence..government itself is a form of conspiracy. It could be a record companies plan to market an artist far beyond their talent that involves promoters, pr agents record stores etc.Or a supermarket chain bringing together a host of people to market goods that are sold as something close to a miracle-rather than what it really is-a loaf of bread..or an auto that wil change your life and have the ladies flocking to you. Need I go on ?

Of course..if you call the coming together of a group of people who form a plan to change the course of only need call it something else..anything other than "conspiracy" and it is accepted. A marketing plan..political party ?.

One of the greatest catastrophes of the past century happened only 70 years ago as WW2 began which resulted in 55 million deaths and the decimation of much of Europe.

But the events leading up to WW2 involved vast conspiracies of people from many western countries. It wasn't just the Nazis forming a poltical party. They couldn't have done without the active participation of rich and powerful industrialists who saw in Hitler a crude and vulgar politician that had the ability to rally the masses.

Nor were they just the German elite..plenty of support came from British and American corporations and politicans including the Bush family who aided in raising the funds for the Nazi Party to prosper and grow.

The reasons as always were crass and the usual..the consolidation of power into the hands of the elite-the dampening of working classes as they became more organised..more profit-less labour costs.

In 2003 we have seen 2 powerful leaders combine and conspire to lie to their people in order to invade a sovereign country-Iraq. That that invasion would result n the deaths of thousands was of no importance. And those 2 men walk free today.

But behind those 2..and in particular George Bush were a group of men known as the infamous "neocons" who were all either remnants of the Nixon and Reagen presidencies..biding their time to return to power. Their plans weren't new though..even they will tell you that. What's 20-30 years to wait when domination of the Middle East is the game plan ?.

Why anyone on their right mind thinks that the world is somehow free of evil and powerful people who aren't constantly planning and manipualting events is bizarre

The hardest thing of couse is to work out just which world event, small and insignificant or huge and noticable-is part of a conspiracy. And it's only been in the past 30 years or so-since the 1960's, that "conspiracy thoeries" have become a thing to mock. Until then most people knew they abounded-they knew they were happening even if they didn't know who was in on the plot and where it was leading.

And that's the beauty of a conspiracy.
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Re:BILDERBERG : as revealed in today's Standard 15 Years, 4 Months ago  
Bush and Blair plotting the invasion of Iraq was an actual conspiracy, not a conspiracy theory. That would be like saying two blokes plotting to rob a bank were involved in a conspiracy theory. There is a difference.

Conspiracy theories are generally, as the term implies, theories which people put together after an event to challenge the official line. They are attempts to give and alternative, and often controversial, explanation of whatever happened.
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Re:BILDERBERG : as revealed in today's Standard 15 Years, 4 Months ago  
Today Charlie Booker in the Guardian dismisses ALL conspiracy theorists and theories.....

Shame he has never done any historical research into such things.

For instance the "conspiracy theories" surrounding the death of Harold at 1066......and many many more.

Often through history the "official record" is the SPIN of the winners of all wars and battles and situations. The TRUE story is usually buried under propaganda.

That is why Conspiracy Theorists often have a very high success rate when they get their teeth into a story.

I try to judge each conspiracy theory coming from a point of disbelief.

At the moment I am convinced that the THIRD TOWER of 9.11 was demolished and that the Pentagon was hit by a missile rather than an aircraft. The whole 9.11 situation does not add up with evidence.

7.7 seems cut and dried EXCEPT the cars being found with further bombs - and the electricity blackout before the bombings on the tube and the possible fact that the carriages exploded from underneath.

21.7 was a fumbled attempt.

The NWO I am sure exist - whether they exist in a formal way or an informal way ( Like AL Quaida ) is open to question. But things like BILDERBERG show that the NWO is running the World.

UK politicians should have to declare going to BILDERBERG to Parliament. They should also allow live coverage of the conference from now on - if they have nothing to hide then why not. It is ONLY supposed to be an economic forum

Until BILDERBERG is open I think we can safely say the evidence for the NWO is right there under our noses.
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Re:BILDERBERG : as revealed in today's Standard 15 Years, 4 Months ago  
9/11 was predicted about six months before it happened in the Lone Gunmen series, the spin off from The X Files. There has been a lot of theories about that, and that episode (the first one) is actually frightening to watch now.
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Re:BILDERBERG : as revealed in today's Standard 15 Years, 4 Months ago  
ah yes..those of us who marched, demonstrated and screeched that the invasion of Iraq was a device to gain power over the countries oil ( as has now happened) were not only accused of being the "terrorist's" best friends but exponents of a rediculus conspiracy theory.

The Downing Street memoes proved our theory was correct-although previous interviews with that war's greatest exponents in the Bush administration, Rchard Perle and the odious Wolfowitz already had them stating they always intended to invade and would "fix" the reasons to at some stage.

Not one of the ratbags, including heads of governments, who accused anti-war protestors has ever had the good grace to aknowledge we were correct..with our theory.

I chose not to adopt the "lets wait and see" attitude, especially when it comes to conspiracies. As most Germans found by 1942 as their cities were being firebombed, decimated and tens of thousands killed nightly-as their armed services were being anilated and food shortages were ravaging the population-they must have pondered that the once strong and huge German socialist and communist parties were right when they warned the people that the Nazi Party was going to bring hell to their country. By then it was too late.

Likwise-over the past 10 years tens of thousands have demonstrated on the streets of Europe and elsewhere trying to warn that the so-called Global Economy and Free Trade was yet another scam of major proportions. These demos have been real dozies and amongst the most violent with a variety of government agency agitators active and helping to create havoc (I'm an old Vietnam demo veteran that got used to Special Branch goons hurling the first rocks at police ).

The "Free" Trade movement ( which is anything but free)is tied in with them name it.

I see now in Australia, where their horrendous last PM who was booted our of his seat- but not before he signed a "free" trade deal with the USA, a major battle is looming with US drug companies who wish to crush their excellent subsidised and socialised medicine system where no prescription costs more than about 2 quid.

We said this would happen..5 years ago. "Idiotic, unwashed layabout conspiracy theorists" was one headline from one noted right wing pundit.
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