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TOPIC: Children in Need under threat

Children in Need under threat 15 Years, 4 Months ago  
Sky is reporting that some actresses are saying that if the BBC does not show the GAZA appeal they may well boycott Children in Need. They have also asked how this appeal is any different to any other appeal.

ITV - Channel 4 and 5 are to show the appeal - and Sky looks as if it will as well.

The BBC are not totally out of step with public opinion and after their mishandling of the Jonathan Ross Issue and their Iraq War blunders it must be said that the BBC must have an uncertain future in my view.

Surely they can run a DEC advert. They should as a matter of principle run every DEC advert. If all the major charities of EVERY religious angle including Jewish are backing this appeal how can it be in any way partisan ?

The whole affair is beginning to get me very angry. Surely we should help these poor people who have been bombed to pieces - with over 1000 dying and 4000 injured.
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Re:Children in Need under threat 15 Years, 4 Months ago  
Nothing to be angry about really. The appeal has already been well publicised by the BBC through the story of it's refusal to run it. In their own way they have probably driven more people to actually bother watching it, and possibly encouraged more contributions.

I don't know anyone who watches these TV appeals. I hardly ever do unless they are slotted between two other programs, and then I'd probably go make a coffee. I'm sure that many of those objecting to the BBC's decision would not have watched it or even known about it without this fuss which has made it a news story.

Q. How do you get people to notice something they normally wouldn't?

A. Make it controversial.
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