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ID CARDS for MANCHESTER 15 Years, 4 Months ago  
Because of the massive opposition in London to ID cards our beloved HOME SECRETARY Jackboot Jacqui is to foist ID Cards onto kids in Manchester. Honestly I am not making this up - read on
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Re:ID CARDS for MANCHESTER 15 Years, 4 Months ago  
Its typical of any UK Government. Test it on the North primarily then roll it out once the guinea pigs oop north have tested it. Wny is there no opposition to match outside of London?
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Re:ID CARDS for MANCHESTER 15 Years, 4 Months ago  
Manachester Schools come very low in league tables for education - in addition they have a big BNP support in Salford and Oldham areas - so there seems to be an undercurrent of fascism.

I helped support the Manchester Against Racism Festival a few years ago - and there are alot of people up there in music who are extremely worried - alot more now because of this recession.

New Labour obviously knows about these things - so for a fascist policy perhaps the uneducated kids of Manchester are an ideal testing ground because it can be sold to them as making sure no nasty foreigners slip under the radar............I really think New Labour are the most racist party ever to attain government in the UK - their war policies alone probably qualify them for that in my view.
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Re:ID CARDS for MANCHESTER 15 Years, 4 Months ago  
closer than you think BR !:

Time for a new world order: PM

KEVIN RUDD has denounced the unfettered capitalism of the past three decades and called for a new era of "social capitalism" in which government intervention and regulation feature heavily.

In an essay to be published next week, the Prime Minister is scathing of the neo-liberals who began refashioning the market system in the 1970s, and ultimately brought about the global financial crisis.

"The time has come, off the back of the current crisis, to proclaim that the great neo-liberal experiment of the past 30 years has failed, that the emperor has no clothes," he writes of those who placed their faith in the corrective powers of the market
Hard to read this man (as a dual citizen I voted for him). A Christian Conservative (but with the genuine compassion),the appearance of a nerd, that hides a frighteningly clever and maniupulating mind-30 year career as a diplomat so knows exactly how to get his way-fluid Cantonese speaker who is a cult hero in China-married to a wife with a $100M business empire (so no need for corruption)-looks set to rule as long as he likes.

But is he part of the NWO Conspiracy ? Is the financial calamity a deliberately manufactured way to introduce the NWO?. The US senator who claimed the first Great Depression was deliberately manufactured was shot a twice and finally poisoned to death..after a dinner with bankers !

are we surrounded by Manchurian Candidates ?
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Re:ID CARDS for MANCHESTER 15 Years, 4 Months ago  
This alleged NWO, if it exists, sounds like another version of The Soviet Block or the Nazi Regime. Maybe an attempt to create a fourth reich. If so then, like those and the Roman Empire, it will collapse in time. Nobody has ever been able to achieve total world domination (apart from the Bee Gees), and I doubt they ever will.
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Re:ID CARDS for MANCHESTER 15 Years, 4 Months ago

Protest spreading around the World.

The NWO blueprint is chipping everyone - ID cards to start with then internal chip. This is how they will control the masses.

The NWO "Theorists" claim that the big fences in schools and so on ( going on in the USA as well with FEMA camps ) are the "holding centres" for dissidents when the NWO come out and announce a NEW CURRENCY ( thus disabling the current ones - your savings will be worthless or worth what they say ) The ELITE NWO will own the new currency and print it - they will own governments and create a GLOBAL SUPERSTATE.

NEW WORLD ORDER or GLOBAL is their catchword - and they try and slip it into EVERY speech and conversation. It is "GROOMING" of the World ready for their takeover.

The planned takeover is 2012 - though according to some they need to push this forward due to many like us spotting what they are working towards and starting to protest.

These STRIKES are anti NWO protests - and they will spread. We will then see whether the Police in all these countries ( including the UK ) will start rounding up protesters to detention camps........
They WANT violence so they can "intervene" to restore order........

So PEACEFUL protest is vital - so anyone reading this who ends up protesting at any point - whatever the provocation it must remain peaceful.

I am personally waiting for an ANT ID MARCH in London - surely it will be organised - because it is important that we all go along if we can. 5 million people would send a big message to the NWO.
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