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I'm both impressed and depressed
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TOPIC: I'm both impressed and depressed
I'm both impressed and depressed 15 Years, 7 Months ago  
I've been selected "as a senior citizen" by Westminster Council for a free test year of their safety check Alertacall service - a button on the phone to press every day to let them know you're OK - if they don't hear from you, they send someone round to see if you're OK.

A good idea except most "seniors" like myself tend to get forgetful!

Only 50 people have been chosen for this first test year. At random.

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Re:I'm both impressed and depressed 15 Years, 7 Months ago  
You have been targeted by the NWO.

This site is now an irritation to them JK. We have been exposing the truth too much on here from all around the World.

We have independent thought on this site.

By having ALERT CALL you will be wired into the authoriies 24/7.

Come the takeover they will close down this site first.

That is a massive compliment.


it could be random...........
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Re:I'm both impressed and depressed 15 Years, 7 Months ago  
It's random BR (I have proof I won't put on here) so do not panic, Mr Mainwaring.
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Re:I'm both impressed and depressed 15 Years, 7 Months ago  
I'm intrigued. I've been racking my brains as to how something of this nature can be proven to be truly random and haven't come up with anything.

I've even done some quick and lazy research and reckon the odds of you being chosen randomly are just less than 600/1. This of course would apply to everyone else over 60 in Westminster, so who knows.
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Re:I'm both impressed and depressed 15 Years, 7 Months ago  
That is good to know JK.

If you dont push the button then they will think you are on the run

Then you get the helicopter - ten black vehicles - and a squad of state troopers - outside your house ( or a call from the Alert Call service !!! )
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Re:I'm both impressed and depressed 15 Years, 7 Months ago  
can't you follow Quentin Crisp's example and be "exempt on the grounds of sexual perversion" ?
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Re:I'm both impressed and depressed 15 Years, 7 Months ago  
So what if you want to go on holday or something? Its a good idea in theory, I mean people who live on their own if they have a heart attack and become unconscious there is knowone there to call the authorities, they could just lie there and rot.
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