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The Sun do it again; promote child abuse.
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TOPIC: The Sun do it again; promote child abuse.
The Sun do it again; promote child abuse. 15 Years, 3 Months ago  
P7 - girl conceives baby at 14; father just turned 16.

Give them money, fame and celebrity.

We must have more of this kind of thing, begs Rebekah Wade, in her ongoing campaign to get readers to break the age of consent laws.
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Re:The Sun do it again; promote child abuse. 15 Years, 3 Months ago  
time for me to write a bunch of my annoying letters again to politicans and newspaper editors with the obvious question..

as both of these kids have slept with a legally underaged person why aren't they labelled "pedophiles" and what gives the police to the authority to pick and choose who they can prosecute ?
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Re:The Sun do it again; promote child abuse. 15 Years, 3 Months ago  
Please somebody take today's Sun into your local police station and file an official complaint against Wade and Murdoch for inciting readers to commit the crime of having sex under the age of consent in order to make cash and get fame.
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Re:The Sun do it again; promote child abuse. 15 Years, 3 Months ago  
JK2006 wrote:
Please somebody take today's Sun into your local police station and file an official complaint against Wade and Murdoch for inciting readers to commit the crime of having sex under the age of consent in order to make cash and get fame.
Why don't you follow your own advice and do it?
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Re:The Sun do it again; promote child abuse. 15 Years, 3 Months ago  
Sadly, zoo, it won't work for a Vile Pervert.
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The Cat

Re:The Sun do it again; promote child abuse. 15 Years, 3 Months ago  
I guess if they cannot report on the Alfie case anymore, now that the public have got the taste for the subject, they exploit some other young parents. What surprises me is that teenage pregnancy isn't even a rare event.

I assume this is a media fad and will pass.
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Re:The Sun do it again; promote child abuse. 15 Years, 3 Months ago  
and so the evidence mounts each day.

Child Abuse is institutionised by the AUTHORITIES who titilate themselves with these stories. They are sitting there laughing at these copulating children.

The Police will do nothing - the Sun gives them the air of publicity - other families then believe this is the NORM ( Media Studies )

A judge needs to ban ALL REPORTING before it becomes an epidemic.

In addition the POLICE must decide whether they want to enforce the age of consent laws in the UK or not. They cant pick and choose who they prosecute under the "Public interest" rule. It does not wash. The Public are "interested" in every case as the SUN has proved - so it is all or nothing in my view.

I believe the law should be enforced. I believe anyone under 16 having sex ( because it is the law ) should be prosecuted. A jury should decide whether they are innocent.

Anyone who says that is an extreme view is missing the point - WHY HAVE A LAW if it is not enforced for EVERYONE.

It was drafted to PROTECT kids and they are not getting the protection they need as far as I can see.

If the argument goes " they are 14 or 15 and kids that age have sex" then the law needs to be changed to 13 years old.

I am sick of people making excuses. The Sun should not be able to show topless women in a newspaper which kids can buy. The Video channels should not show bump and grind girls in their undies simulating sex on music shows to 8 year olds. Our SOCIETY is being run by the PAEDOPHILES ( The Police - Media Big Guns - Government - Royal Family ? ) and the sooner we all wake up to this very sad fact the better.

Look around you and see the way in which the authorities sexualise children ( groom them for a word that New Labour like ) yet no action is being taken against them.
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Re:The Sun do it again; promote child abuse. 15 Years, 3 Months ago  
JK2006 wrote:
Sadly, zoo, it won't work for a Vile Pervert.
I would have thought the opposite, go for it
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Re:The Sun do it again; promote child abuse. 15 Years, 3 Months ago  
I agree totally.

Although it would be terrible to haul little Alfie (my God he looks about 8!)and his girfriend plus all her one night stands into court, the law must apply equally to all. Otherwise it's a nonsense.

It won't happen of course for that very reason..but what we are seeing is that the law is used discriminately and undoubtedly those who seek to profit from illegal activity like The Sun by offering a financial reward seem to be allowed to escape unscathed.

As reported elsewhere on here-an 11 year old has been made a convicted sex offendor for life (now overturned) but Jacqui Smith has declared she will fight that ruling.

Even worse-Max Clifford has attempted to profit of a crime..and a sex crime at that.

And JK is right-he is the wrong person to walk into that police station as the media would go balistic-it would give them the opportunity to divert attention away from their lack of morals.

But I am writing to all concerned-including the Minister for Police in NSW, The NSW Attorney General (who once said at a press conference "all sex offendors are grubs" which drew a scathing attack upon him from the Law Society (and he's a 'lock'em'up and throw away the key fanatic) and the Commissioner of Police. (as well as a host of British pollies etc)

All the Murdoch newspapers in Australia have carried the Alfie tale in full-as it has been appearing in The Sun. That's every major newspaper in every state.

It's a criminal offence ( in Oz) to write or publish a story with details about children having sex and a jailable offence with up to 10 years penalty.It's an offence to even possess that story even if someone else wrote it-like in a book (or newspaper !)

It's a criminal offence to attempt to profit from a crime like publishing a book or selling your story and that includes the publisher and agents etc.

One of them will have to reply-for if they don't it's a great story for the Oz media-the sensible ones.

the Tale of Alfie isn't over by a long shot. I guarantee News Ltd lawyers are bunkered down right now going over the whole affair.
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