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800 Teachers Careers ruined each year by False Claims
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TOPIC: 800 Teachers Careers ruined each year by False Claims

800 Teachers Careers ruined each year by False Claims 15 Years, 3 Months ago

The trickle has turned into a flood. I would say to anyone considering teaching - until they reform the way the CRB checks work do not enter teaching at all costs and tell everyone you know.

In poor schools the incidence of "allegations" is massive - in fact discipline has fallen apart because of the threat to teachers - " you put me in detention and I will say you flirted/touched me/hit me " The bad kids know they can get away with this.

I feel very sorry for anyone who has lost their teaching career and been suspended on the basis of these false claims. Only a handful of teachers ever end up in court annually - and these days most are for breaches of trust not under age activities - which again is wrong in my view. Why should teachers have an age of consent at 18 years old when the rest of society has it at 16 years old.

Teachers have the worst possible job in the New Labour propaganda plan - they have to parrot CLIMATE CHANGE and GLOBALISATION and PEACE and EU good and being ENGLISH bad to their students all the time. They risk isolation for this as well.

Schools are now indoctrination centres - with poor teachers and awful behaviour in the local comps because all the decent teachers will get better jobs with better conditions than these.

If a person wants to teach then set up an educational trust that you run - and you set the hours - and you CCTV to make sure that no allegations can ever be made. Sad to say working with children is a very high risk area and so CCTV is essential to protect teachers......I cant believe I have said that - but it is true.
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Re:800 Teachers Careers ruined each year by False Claims 15 Years, 3 Months ago  
This is nothing new. Girls have always had crushes on teachers and then invent something in their diary or spiteful retribution once being rejected. We had a perfectly good teacher suspended at my school in the early 90s.

We are a world of false accusers and real victims !
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Re:800 Teachers Careers ruined each year by False Claims 15 Years, 3 Months ago  
Except it is not all about hormonally out of control teenagers with crushes any more, Mike. It is also about kids and their families using our now warped judicial system to make cynically calculated false accusations to destroy teachers they don't like, no doubt with an eye on compensation and media money in our guilty until proven innocent society.
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Re:800 Teachers Careers ruined each year by False Claims 15 Years, 3 Months ago  
The allegations are nothing new.

It is the response now to suspend on every allegation and then add the "record" of that to a CRB file.

If someone in 1990 had an allegation against them - it would be investigated and then that would be the end of it.

For every teacher now it REMAINS ON THEIR RECORD for life. It will stop them getting jobs and getting promotions. It is effectively ending their career.

In addition any job which requires a CRB Enhanced check ( The list grows every week - from being a Foster Parent to being a volunteer helper with a youth club or with old people ) the teacher will have this brought up EVERY time.

This has to be wrong.

Unless someone is convicted of an offence - then the record of the allegation should be destroyed.


That is creating an atmosphere of fear. Real PAEDOS love it - because they threaten anyone who wants to OUT them with a counter allegation. I have hard evidence to show this is how the PAEDO rings in POLICE and SOCIAL SERVICES get away with their behaviour.
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Re:800 Teachers Careers ruined each year by False Claims 15 Years, 3 Months ago  
re CRB checks. I was surprised to find that they are needed for Plumbers and Electricians. I guess it's because they enter homes. Then I remembered that prisons do courses in plumbing and electricals to help rehabilitate offenders. If they then have to have a CRB check it means their training may have been in vain and they'll wind up going back to crime for want of a better (legal) occupation.

That all seems rather counter productive.
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Re:800 Teachers Careers ruined each year by False Claims 15 Years, 3 Months ago  
Very good point.

With CRB checks the whole idea of Rehabilitation goes out of the window. Paying for the "crime" has become a thing of the past. We have "Permanent Career Criminals" created by the state.

I thought that criminal convictions were spent after 5 years under the old systems ? but with CRB they stay on file for ever ?

I cant see how US the public have allowed such a thing to happen.

No wonder crime gets worse - criminals have no incentive to improve themselves and go straight.
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Re:800 Teachers Careers ruined each year by False Claims 15 Years, 3 Months ago  
PBS wrote:
Then I remembered that prisons do courses in plumbing and electricals to help rehabilitate offenders. If they then have to have a CRB check it means their training may have been in vain and they'll wind up going back to crime for want of a better (legal) occupation.

Nope they can come and knock on your door with a bag of useful household items and sell them to you. I wonder what deaf and dumb people do for a living now ?
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Re:800 Teachers Careers ruined each year by False Claims 15 Years, 3 Months ago  
We used to have several people knocking on our door with those bags of 'useful' items, but over the last couple of years we've had none. I was told doorstep selling was now illegal. Maybe you need a special licence or something.
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Re:800 Teachers Careers ruined each year by False Claims 15 Years, 3 Months ago  
I think you have to be quite brave to take a job working amongst children today-or it could be the one positive time when cctv could be used to monitor class rooms but then what about the rest of day ?.

Wikileaks carries a document claimed to be from a German who worked in the child porn industry for 10 years- difficult to plough through because of the translation and is quite shocking at times but a couple of things strike me (apart from what he claims is the active participation of many youngsters in East Europan countries-we only have his word for this)

One is his claim that the "child protection" industry has become a powerful political and profitable world-wide business.

I have personal experience of this-a few years ago being unfortunately seated next to a person on a Bangkok to Sydney flight,who runs one the most outspoken ones in Oz.

She got horribly drunk and then began to denigrate half a dozen well known Aussie charity workers including a Catholic priest who has devoted his life to assisting thousands of young kids out of street prostituion, drugs and such and into positive careers.

Her main gripe semed to be that he gets huge financial support from the Handbury family (the other mega-rich branch of the Murdochs-not all this clan are horrors) who pumped $$millions into good causes like his. Not ever has a young person done anything but sing the praises of this priest.

And then she began to grope me.IF I followed her thinking I could have had her arrested upon arrival for sexual assault...fortunately she passed out for the rest of the flight.

I was alarmed to see recently she was behind the new Communications Minsiter to restrict internet access to put Australia on the same lines as Thailand and China-both dictatorships.

Some more investigation revealed she receives well over a million dollars a year in government grants and donations as an "child advocate"-not a penny actually goes to assist a single living child but funds her 5 star visits to the best hotels to attend conferences. Some journalists even claimed to me she was an active police spy and informant-most thought her crackers but she made 'good copy'.

And there she was yet again recently-on TV ranting about a teacher who was give a suspended sentence after being charged with having sex with a student.

That German is correct-there is a growing "child protection" industry coming from the US mid-West and the Religious Right and it's tentacles reach far and wide including the UK and they are driving government policy. Look behind many of the UK 'advocates' and they link back to the US far right.

Sadly-child abuse in it's most awful forms and mostly within the family is increasing alarmingly and these well organised and sinister entities divert attention from real abuse onto the current "pedo' witch-hunts (with help from the R.Wades of the world)
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Re:800 Teachers Careers ruined each year by False Claims 15 Years, 3 Months ago  
That matches most of what I have seen and read.

Society titilates the bottom part of the population - alcohol and poverty play their part - and abuse in families happens. I am sure if you spoke to anyone working in Child Protection they would say that they dont have enough resources or time to deal with this.

That is why the celeb witch hunts are so important to the Government. It saves them putting in the resources to the real problem. It is in my view a cover up.

That is why we have so many BABY Ps and so on. The system in the UK was complicated a couple of years ago with new guidelines to those working in this area which made it so complicated it needed an A4 flow diagram so complex it looked like a circuit diagram.

They therefore give big money to these outspoken media plants and know that these people will say the right things to continue to carry the lie.
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Re:800 Teachers Careers ruined each year by False Claims 15 Years, 3 Months ago  
veritas wrote:
I think you have to be quite brave to take a job working amongst children today-or it could be the one positive time when cctv could be used to monitor class rooms but then what about the rest of day ?.

I work with lots of children but I am under CCTV while in my surgery so everything can be seen and heard if needed.

I've got kids who clearly have been abused and kids who have fabricated stories. It doesn't take me long to work out who is lying.
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Re:800 Teachers Careers ruined each year by False Claims 15 Years, 3 Months ago  
I think it is a good idea being under CCTV is sensitive situations such as a doctors or a classroom. Though it is important that the CCTV is secure.

I agree that most kids are either believable or lying - but the Police and Authorities seem to treat both the same these days. That is the problem. I am all for investigating everything - BUT if there is no case to answer etc then that should not be kept on record. In addition CELEBS can rarely have a fair hearing because of media manipulation.
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