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spare a thought for poor Alfie
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TOPIC: spare a thought for poor Alfie

spare a thought for poor Alfie 15 Years, 1 Month ago  
What an enormous relief for the producers of tales of illicit teen sex (and their sex-obsessed readers)-the tabloids.

Not only is poor little Alfie not a dad but the real father has been named as another 15 year old lad.

Editors must be breathing big sighs of relief today as the story is given new life.

What a change from the days when a girl fallen by the wayside would be bundled off to some home where she could give birth and the baby given to others to bring up.

Now it's a cottage industry to be promoted..agents employed, stories sold and so on.

Pity little Alfie is now out of the picture and for that matter, Jordon and Peter Andre who have been knocked off their rightful perch on the front page !
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Re:spare a thought for poor Alfie 15 Years, 1 Month ago  
Alfie was told a while ago that he wasn't the real dad, so this story is no surprise to him, but just as his life was beginning to settle down again back comes the story to the main tabloid headlines. I know there's been a lot of spite shown on this forum towards Alfie and his family, and it's true they might not be quite as perfect as certain forum users. The real vilains in this case are the media who made their own decision to run with the story and exploit it to the full. They knew they'd sell more papers even though the public, who continued to buy the product, claimed to be diesgusted by them. As with most cases, it's all about making money.
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Re:spare a thought for poor Alfie 15 Years, 1 Month ago  
and it is about undermining real relationships.

The crazy people who shout "MORE SEX EDUCATION NEEDED" need to read what happened.

The GIRL's MOTHER invited boys over regularly to sleep with her teenage daughter - even checking the next morning that they enjoyed themselves !!!! This girl had slept with so many she had no idea who the father was and so decided to cash in with a "baby father"

I wonder how an adult can basically pimp their child with no legal action being taken against her ? in the old days though it existed - Child Prostitution was illegal - but these days the papers sell it as entertainment !!! and there you have the truth about the current establishment in the UK. They condone this sort of thing and find it titilates them.

They will arrest a celeb on the basis of no more than an allegation from 30 years ago - yet with the evidence in their faces they take no action against what they perceive as an "underclass" who can behave like rutting animals from the age of 9 years old. Social workers and Police turn a blind eye to all of this and shrug shoulders " what can we do ? " and cop out of the whole thing with the mantra "More sex education is needed"

These days 2/3 of kids have had sex before they are 16 years old. In some areas that figure is probably 99% of any kids who are reasonably turned out and have no religious beliefs to temper their desires !!! Is this good ? well supposedly most regret it at a later stage in life. So what does the Government do ? vaccinates all little girls against sexually transmitted disease at 12 years old. A sort of "under orders" now you can go out and enjoy yourselves sign.

I know this post sounds a bit Daily Mail and Mary Whitehouse - BUT does anyone think that the "Alfie" story is a good reflection of our civilised life and our morals and values >?
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Re:spare a thought for poor Alfie 15 Years, 1 Month ago  
I think this entire saga is extraordinary.

The media should never have covered it and should not be covering it now.

Grossly irresponsible - encouraging children to break the consent laws for financial and celebrity remuneration.

No wonder Max Clifford is involved. His sticky finger prints poison everything he touches.
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Emma Bee

Re:spare a thought for poor Alfie 15 Years, 1 Month ago  
You should write for the tabloids, BR. There is a difference between inviting boys to sleep with your daughter and turning a blind eye if they do so, and it's quite normal to ask if someone had a good night. I regularly ask people that question just after they get up. There is no actual evidence of anyone intentionally pimping their child, but with carefully chosen wording you can make ordinary behavious sound quite sensational.

Kids, sometimes younger than Alfie, have been having sex for generations. It used to be called "experimenting". It's also nothing new for a schoolgirl to become pregnant. Maybe it's not the right way to behave, but it happens. When my mothers schoolfriend became pregnant it wasn't reported, but she was taken out of school until after the birth, because of her family's embarrassment. When my school friend became pregnant, nobody made a fuss and she carried on as normal. Now it gets to be headlines. The tabloids have sensationalised normal human behaviour and created a false morality. We all just need to get a grip.
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Re:spare a thought for poor Alfie 15 Years, 1 Month ago  
Spot on again Emma - GET A GRIP is a three word correct view of the entire situation.

Society needs to get a grip. Humanity needs to get a grip.
We are all losing the plot.
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Re:spare a thought for poor Alfie 15 Years, 1 Month ago  
Hi Al !..I agree..Alfie is just a little guy who did what many teenagers do..nature dictated and the birds and the bees etc etc.

What bugs me is that not only was it illegal ( a complete fantasy as it ignores that people will do what comes naturally) but adults attempted to profit out of the escapade.

The whole Alfie a parable for what passes today as the "media" !

Let's not forget we have a 14/15 year old kid who it appears is a little behind his peers yet newspapers jumped in and attempted to profit off a pretty mad tale(not unusual)

I really mean it...where is Alfie today mentally ? I reckon we have a not too clued in kid who has been decimated and demoralised by the vile media.

I hope I'm wrong. I hope I'm wrong for Alfie's sake.
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Re:spare a thought for poor Alfie 15 Years, 1 Month ago  
You see Emma - a parent of a teenage daughter is legally responsible for her. Therefore if they own the house and invite ( e.g allow to stay ) a boyfriend so that they commit illegal sexual acts on the premises I cant see how that is not the same as a brothel owner ?

Yes my tone may be Tabloid - but the facts speak for themselves. There is something deeply unpleasant going on in society where parents dont mind 12 year olds having sex under their roofs and in fact according to the one boyfriend encouraged it.

Sad to say much of the "footage" that is considered Child Porn is gathered in such houses by discreet webcams - with parents making money out of their children. There was a big case in Watford that did this ( did not make the media ) where the kids were sleeping with their parents friends and being filmed and not realising what was happening - they were earning alot of money out of this.

If this continues it is only a matter of time before young teenagers and pre-pubescents start to cash in on their home PC and webcam by setting up paypal accounts for live footage from their homes - in fact it could be happening already for all we know. Society is as JK says destroying itself.

We need to allow kids to be kids and take the pressure to have sex at an ever younger age off them - and remind them it is better for a loving relationship and that it is an adult thing to do. Of course kids will be curious - and even some level of experimentation will occur.
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Re:spare a thought for poor Alfie 15 Years, 1 Month ago  
This is really, as I've said before, so, so significant.

It is now, or so it seems, acceptable, legal and moral for the media to print stories about children, to praise them for breaking the law, to encourage them to do so with hard cash and celebrity, to ruin lives openly and without shame.

You want child abuse? Rebekah Wade and Rupert Murdoch are doing it today.
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