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Michael should never have agreed to do it
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TOPIC: Michael should never have agreed to do it
david 2b

Michael should never have agreed to do it 14 Years, 11 Months ago  
I really think it was a terrible mistake to agree to do 50 concerts at the O2 arena and I think once he had agreed to it the fear and the realization of what he had just done had sunk in.

Michael Jackson hadn't toured in years or done any massive concerts like these ones for AEG and really I don't believe he was up to it physically, emotionally or creatively.

It's damn hard work and you really have to be totally energized and committed and able to go ahead with something like this.

The thought of having to go ahead with all these concerts, the expectations being placed on you, your army of employees and people on the take are all pushing you so that their own pockets get lined with silver. Everyone was on the take with Michael - he was a cash cow for The Doctors, The Family, The Lawyers, The Advisers, The Minders, The Staff and the list goes on.

My own belief is that Michael should have said No to these comeback concerts and focused on being a recorded music artist and not going back into the live arena again. Too much stress, worry, anxiety and fear.

He could make videos that would give him the visual outlet and even done more with the Internet - he didn't need to tour or to do a residency of concerts.

His debt could have been resolved by selling off his remaining share in Sony/ATV music publishing catalog and selling off the MJJ Songs Publishing catalog and scaling down his hugely expensive living costs.

Sell off your interest in the Neverland Estate - he didn't need it and hadn't used it since 2005 anyway. All he needed was a safe, secure mansion in Beverly Hills for say $12 Million and a beach house in Malibu for around $8 Million and that would have done him nicely.

Of course it's easy to say this now that he's gone - I just wish he never agreed to those concerts.

Of course his brothers are going to milk this opportunity for all it's worth with concert tours and the works..

I think all of us who are especially involved in the recorded music industry can learn some lessons from this tragedy.

One thing I really want to say is that it's OK not to tour or to do live shows. I have never thought it was prerequisite for a music artist to go out and sing on stage.
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Re:Michael should never have agreed to do it 14 Years, 11 Months ago  
I actually think the opposite.

Michael needed a tour to prove to a ) The public and b) himself that he was still a star and still able to do what he loved.

If you were a performer then you would understand the "desire . need " to go out and perform. Michael was vulnerable and I think needed the energy that a performance would create in HIS body through the interaction with thousands of his fans.

The care and team he put together for this show - showed he really really wanted to do this. The team were awesome. It would have re-established him as the greatest performer in history.

His death would have happened anyway if the stories of the drug abuse are true - anyone who plays around with drugs to that extent risks death. It seems that he could have died on numerous occasions before.

The TRIAL killed Michael. He died for me back then in many ways. The whole trauma undermined his fragile grip on reality. He could not understand why these things were happening to him and why people would go to those lengths to take money off him. Michael did not really seem to value money at all - he was someone who just spent.

Today the MAIL ON SUNDAY publishes an interesting article which claims that he was devastated when the INSURANCE company gave the Chandlers 20 million dollars to settle. He did not want to do this - because he knew it would look like some sort of admission of guilt but worse it would open the doors for him to be blackmailed for the rest of his life.

Suprisingly, hardly anyone tried to blackmail him after this - despite hundreds and possibly thousands of kids attending NEVERLAND - there were never any other allegations against him. The only one coming through an opportunistic family who basically preyed on his caring side pretending ? their son was dying of cancer then issuing a writ. The fact they had committed fraud before - was something that Michael should have had checked out. He obviously did not check out the credentials of the people around him - a massive mistake when he was so vulnerable.

The interview in the NOTW today video - shows a man who is unable to understand how anyone can say awful things about him. There is much evidence from his past that he was aware of his brothers sordid ways with groupies and tried to protect the girls from his brothers even at a young age. Michael Jackson cared about other people as far as I can see - he was consistent in the way he treated people from being a child to when he died. He was vulnerable and hurt. To deal with the hurt he needed drugs to block out the pain both physical and mental and ultimately this aged his body organs and caused him to eventually just break down and die. The concerts would have been fantastic - but he was on the verge of death for the last 12 months and if he had not died last month he could have gone at any minute.

Incredibly sad and today the CHART will show his importance to the World of Music. I rate him above ELVIS and the BEATLES. He was unique - his music was consistent to the very end ( the last album was very good ) and his live show was the best.
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Re:Michael should never have agreed to do it 14 Years, 11 Months ago  
I believe that he only agreed to do 10 shows and then later found out that his agents had arranged 50 gigs.

Also it's a bit cynical to think that his brothers are going to milk his death. Just because Michael Jackson has died, doesn't mean that there is going to be a demand to see the Jacksons without Michael. Also you can't blame them for that, they have to make a living.

Also many artists do west end shows for months on end 9 shows a week. This would be as demanding as Jacko's 50 02 gigs.
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Re:Michael should never have agreed to do it 14 Years, 11 Months ago  
He didn't agree to 50 did he?...he thought it was 10.I have no doubt the promoters made a motza off Jackon even when dead.

The poor thing should have moved to Las Vegas for a couple of years with his kids and cleaned up there and built a new recording career.

Bette Midler is in Vegas for a year and it's a spectacular show.Jackson could have done the same.
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Re:Michael should never have agreed to do it 14 Years, 11 Months ago  
Vegas is a place for washed-up show ponies not the worlds biggest star. Stars like David Cassidy, Celine Dionne, and Tom jones went there well after the hits dried up. I'm sure that Jackson wouldn't want to put himself in that category.
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Re:Michael should never have agreed to do it 14 Years, 11 Months ago  
Vegas seems like the perfect destination Robbie. Hadn't the hits already dried up years ago? Perhaps He had to come to Europe as this was where he was most popular. Hadn't the Yanks taken a dislkie to him since the last trial?
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Re:Michael should never have agreed to do it 14 Years, 11 Months ago  
he was 51 and options were running out. Vegas has gone through an enormous change in show business..even Elton John is going to appear there.
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david 2mb

Re:Michael should never have agreed to do it 14 Years, 11 Months ago  
Everyone has made some good and valid points but for me I still think it was a mistake to agree to any concerts.

All the reports say he was drugged up with prescription medications to the hilt and even when he came to London to announce the "This Is It" shows he was 90 minutes late because of his state.

Reports state just how much medication he was on and quite frankly it's frightning. Of course we won't know for sure until the toxidity results come through.

I heard the track he did with Akon and he doesn't sound up to scratch on that - still it is quite a nice song.

But Michael wans't in my view fit for the rigors of doing a long stretch of concerts and I really do think that was playing on his mind.

Of course I will never know for sure and it's just my view by reading in-between the lines.

But I still think had he stayed in Vegas or even LA and focused on living his life and writing/recording new songs then I believe there's a lot more chance he would be with us today.

I don't think he needed to prove himself as a performer just as I don't think Abba or The Rolling Stones need to prove themselves anymore.

But still what's happened does illistrate the frigility of fame and life itself.
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Re:Michael should never have agreed to do it 14 Years, 11 Months ago  
He hadn't made a decent record for nearly 20 years. Every teenager I know regards him as some weird freak who took boys into his bed and know nothing of his music unless a song has been used for an advert.

Did anyone really believe this skeltal Joey Ramone lookalike was capabale of anything other than a freakshow.

Death resurrected John Lennon's long faded career but at least this time we don't get "John would have liked that" every day while she counts the pennies
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Re:Michael should never have agreed to do it 14 Years, 11 Months ago  
It's a weird world. Almost every teenager I know idolises Michael Jackson and has his music on their ipod. And we can look at the teenage/child performers on BGT who sang his songs or chose his music for their backing tracks. A lot of the local kids are really upset about his death, not because someone has told them they should be, but because he was their hero.

I wasn't a massive fan, but I can acknowledge that others, of all ages, were. I'm not sure exactly what music he produced in the last 20 years, but if it has been so long since he released a decent song then it shows how much of an impact his music has had over the years that people too young to remember it have been so moved by it.
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Re:Michael should never have agreed to do it 14 Years, 11 Months ago  
you are wicked..Joey Ramone makes Iggy Pop look healthy!
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Re:Michael should never have agreed to do it 14 Years, 11 Months ago  
Earth Song was in the last 20 years - and was a massive success - one of his biggest singles ?

In addition THEY DONT CARE ABOUT US is not in the TOP 40 singles chart - a fantastic song.

This "20 years" rubbish - is just that. Rubbish.

His last 2 albums are better than 100% of the R&B rubbish that is churned out day after day these days. He had SOUL - which is what the new artists lack.

To do good R&B you need to feel it - perhaps R KELLY has some in some of his tracks but Rhianna and her like are basically robotic R&B with no feeling in their music at all.

Compare UMBRELLA to EARTH SONG - which has more to say about the World ? which has more excitement in the vocal etc etc.

If you dont like MJ then fine - but dont rubbish his genuine achievements just out of jealousy.
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Re:Michael should never have agreed to do it 14 Years, 11 Months ago  
Let's not forget his last album and single both went to number one, in 2001.
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