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TOPIC: Operation Paperclip

Operation Paperclip 14 Years, 11 Months ago

For those of you who believe that Nazism died in a bunker in Germany in 1945 I do suggest you use this Wiki article as the basis to look up the truth about what happened to the Nazis.

Like most of you I believed that we had defeated their ideas and their scientific ideas.

But sad to say the USA continued their work. This work in my opinion is now beginning to "bear fruit" with the Genetics industry ( Only today scientists announce about creating sperm ) and the space / war industry.

NASA is based in Houston Texas. The Neo Cons are based in Texas. Recent World events have been driven by these people. Wars and technology advancing together hand in hand.

Is this a conspiracy theory ? No. It is a matter of fact. It is also up to us to look at our world and to see whether or not there is a Nazi influence in our World today especially in the USA - UK - Australia .

If you say - yes to that question then maybe the reason for that can be traced back to things like Paperclip.

This is what they dont teach you in school or college - I wonder why
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Re:Operation Paperclip 14 Years, 11 Months ago  
Tape recording, a key technology for the music industry, was also "liberated" by the Americans from Germany.

The first tape recorder (K1) was demonstrated in 1935. Later Friedrich Matthias (IG Farben/BASF) developed the recording tape.

After the war Ampex got control of the patents. Among the first buyers of tape recorders were Bing Crosby and Les Paul.

The rest is history.
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Re:Operation Paperclip 14 Years, 11 Months ago  
the Nazi era in Germany is always worth studying as it's an example of how a country under the control of a handful of men can spiral out of control.

A bunch of psychopaths, killers and not too intelligent fanatics can, after gaining a small amount of control in key areas eventually control the entire country.

They recruit the like-minded in all positions and so on downwards to the man collecting the garbage.The beaurocracy the Nazi Party created was almost comical-nearly every section of government acted in an uncoordinated fashion with none knowing what the other was doing. Perhaps that was Hitler's design.

It's difficult to really know whether people like Werner von Braun were real Nazis as people only prospered under the Nazis if they joined the party.

Even in the 60's and only 20 years after the end of WW2 von Braun was presented as the face of NASA on TV and films yet 2 decades previously he had a hand in the killing of millions, if only indirectly.

I think it shows that when money or achievments can be had, people everywhere in any country can be completely amoral.
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