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Primary Source : Alien Disclosure
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TOPIC: Primary Source : Alien Disclosure

Primary Source : Alien Disclosure 14 Years, 11 Months ago

This has been released today.

I suggest that you read David Milliband today - and of course Torchwood was a fantasy dramatisation to raise the level of concsiousness.

Prince Charles says we have 96 months to save the planet.

This video shows the USA response to the "threat" - they formed a group of scientists called THE MAJESTIC 12.

I dont want to write anymore - but I suggest you check out the history of this - and make up your own minds about what is happening out there.

I still believe freedom and love are the answer to this problem - the "War on Terror" proponents obviously see it a different way.

Have a great weekend - and when all else fails watch the PLANET 51 film trailer - it is very funny.
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Re:Primary Source : Alien Disclosure 14 Years, 10 Months ago  
For ease of viewing, I'd suggest downloading the wmv file and not attempt to watch it 'live', unless you have serious meg broadband!

Very interesting all the same.

Torchwood certainly seemed to be a warning, but a warning as one of the good guys, if you get what I mean.

This "battle" is not just one sided, BR.
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Re:Primary Source : Alien Disclosure 14 Years, 10 Months ago  
Good point Steve. I have a big server at work so we can handle big files. Your suggestion is excellent.

If you go to the website that is hosting that you can see the documentation which actually backs this video up as a serious piece of evidence. The documentation is good enough to take this very seriously.

I agree about Torchwood as well. Very good point.
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Re:Primary Source : Alien Disclosure 1965 14 Years, 10 Months ago  

Seems that someone has given the signal for everyone to come and out and speak.

Why ?

1965 is the year mentioned in this very short video. Strange after what we have just seen on BBC TORCHWOOD.

Maybe THIS is what happened in 1965.
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Re:Primary Source : Alien Disclosure 1965 14 Years, 10 Months ago  
BR, do you think partial disclosure from the Government is on it's way?
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Re:Primary Source : Alien Disclosure 1965 14 Years, 10 Months ago  
I have always thought that disclosure was unlikely because the advantage of "secrecy" is always "power".

But I am concerned by some things taking place in the World since the year 2001. Namely - HAARP ( which is a monitoring station/research about the ionosphere ) - the WAR ON TERROR ( that does not add up ) - CLIMATE CHANGE ( which is happening but not in the way they say ) - NO VISITS TO THE MOON ( we stopped in the 70s....why ?...when we could easily have set up a "moon base" for research purposes ) - SEED BANK in NORWAY ( why all of a sudden do we need to protect the food supply in this way ) - HADRON CONVERTOR ( seems to be a crazy experiment and CERN seem to be a strange organisation - why gather all these top scientists together in the Alps )

I am suprised that there are many "whistleblowers" who are being allowed to leak information. Previously they would be denounced or worse. Now it seems to be staged by the USA government. I dont believe there will ever be official disclosure - even if there are spaceships in the air.....

Finally - we are expecting to be able to see aliens or alien UFOs - TORCHWOOD made the point that perhaps our atmosphere is not correct and that aliens may exist either as a gas form or invisible in our dimension/plane for the most part. They may even need to create "robot greys" in order to exist on Earth etc. TORCHWOOD and DOCTOR WHO have been pushing science fiction along in some interesting directions.

Funny that we get a VACCINATION announcement this morning on SKY and in the SUNDAY TIMES !!
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Re:Primary Source : Alien Disclosure 1965 14 Years, 10 Months ago  
Interesting "Primary Source" there, BR. You link to a conspiracy theorists' site {featured in the photo gallery on the homepage such luminaries as David Icke and Jim Marrs} as evidence of a conspiracy theorist favourite... Space Aliens!!! In fact a brief delve into the the Project Camelot website contains a gem of an opening line claiming that the inhabitants of the "spacecraft" which "crashed" at Roswell in 1947 were in reality emissaries from our own planet in the future. And with "experts" like that on hand, who needs loonies to lead us down the garden path?
Gosh, BR... I mean... you're like...really weird.
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Re:Primary Source : Alien Disclosure 1965 14 Years, 10 Months ago  
and if you had read about what that site is about you will see that the site publishes interviews with people whom it does not necessarily agree with. In fact they are having an argument right now about vaccinations !!

They are there to publish ideas - many of the people on the site are from operations like PAPERCLIP etc.

David Icke is an amazing bloke. He travels all around the world to research his books. I would say his books are better researched than many other writers who sit in a library all day. The proof of whether they are any good is whether his ideas actually come to pass. They do. That is why millions of people actually read his work and attend his lectures.

The British Media wants to portray him as mad and crazy. That is quite funny in many respects because it relies on one TV interview with Wogan for that. Take someone like Gordon Brown - he has acted far more strangely than ICKE on many occasions - chewing his mouth and making very strange speeches - in addition off camera he has again been very weird !! but the press dont call him mad ? because the media has decided who they back.

David Icke in fact spent several years as a sports presenter - analysing sport. During that several years no one suggested that he was anything other than an excellent intelligent person !! He was on our screens every week and was much respected by the BBC and those working in the media. Before that he was at Hereford United where I first met him.....and he was very young and very quiet and very good in goal.

I might add that David Icke does not say much about alien disclosure.

Finally - one will ever know. There are thousands of books about the subject. I think future humans is just as believeable as aliens - and if you have watched Hollywood Sci Fi films like "The LAst Mimzy" and even "Doctor Who" there is a quantum theory backed by science that says time travel may be possible. The Hadron Collider may give some answers to this when it starts up to do its research role.

Something is being hidden by the USA government. Area 51 and other areas are under suspicion.

I dont necessarily expect disclosure - but something is taking place and with people breaking ranks from the Government they must be doing so with permission.
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Re:Primary Source : Alien Disclosure 1965 14 Years, 10 Months ago  
"David Icke is an amazing bloke. He travels all around the world to research his books. I would say his books are better researched than many other writers who sit in a library all day. The proof of whether they are any good is whether his ideas actually come to pass. They do. That is why millions of people actually read his work and attend his lectures."

I have several of his books, thank you. They're an essential part of beginning to understand some kind of balance. I accept some of it, other bits I regard as either deranged or just mistaken. However, I accept his value as a public speaker and researcher. Never said I didn't.

"I think future humans is just as believeable as aliens - and if you have watched Hollywood Sci Fi films like "The LAst Mimzy" and even "Doctor Who" there is a quantum theory backed by science that says time travel may be possible. The Hadron Collider may give some answers to this when it starts up to do its research role."

When someone produces some real evidence {and I mean real evidence rather than some Von Daniken claptrap} I'll take the concept of alien visitors more seriously. For the moment I'm content that we've never had any. That's not to say I don't believe that there might well be intelligent life out there. Probably even in Barnstaple.
And you're telling me that you at least partly base your belief systems on "The Last Mimzy" and "Doctor Who". Grief.

"I dont necessarily expect disclosure - but something is taking place and with people breaking ranks from the Government they must be doing so with permission."

That's quite a shift in position from "Seems that someone has given the signal for everyone to come and out and speak."
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