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yet another sordid false allegation
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TOPIC: yet another sordid false allegation

yet another sordid false allegation 14 Years, 11 Months ago  
This time in Oz with a Victorian government minister subject to an 18 month "investigation" during which police had ample time to discover the woman was a fantastist telling many people she was soon going to make a lot of money.

Meanwhile she walks free from court while the guy loses his job and probably has no chance of getting pre-selected again for his political seat.:

THEO Theophanous's ecstatic wife threw her arms around the former minister last night and declared she'd never doubted him.

Rita Theophanous said the nine-month rape case ordeal had strengthened their relationship.

And their four children had been the rock they had clung to during their despair.

She was fuelled by the truth.

"I know he's innocent," she told the Herald Sun.

Mr Theophanous, a Labor veteran and former minister, sobbed and hugged family after magistrate Peter Reardon ruled that no reasonable jury could convict him of rape.

Mr Reardon said the case was inherently weak, branded Mr Theophanous's accuser entirely unreliable, and said the only witnesses who supported her were unreliable.

Their stories "reeked of concoction".

"She appeared to be clinging to reality, if not her sanity," Mr Reardon said of the 45-year-old woman, who claimed the MP raped her on a couch in his parliamentary offices in 1998.

His assessment of the prosecution case was damning: "It is inherently weak, lacks credibility, reliability and truthfulness."

Mrs Theophanous, who sat through the torture of 15 days' evidence, echoed the assessment, slamming the investigation and saying the case should not have proceeded.,21985,25831726-661,00.html
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