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does the Mail come here for tips ?
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TOPIC: does the Mail come here for tips ?

does the Mail come here for tips ? 14 Years, 10 Months ago  
I'm sure they do.

Over a week after a poster on here said the latest Maddie 'clue' was an obvious furphy the Daily Mail has finally clocked to the idea.

The least they could do is credit their source
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Re:does the Mail come here for tips ? 14 Years, 10 Months ago  
The Daily Mail in the UK is fast becoming the most quoted newspaper on the internet. That is because they seem to provide BOTH sides of every story - which is what a newspaper should do. They are not afraid of asking questions either.

In recent weeks they have broken exclusive stories on DAVID KELLY - THE SWINE FLU VACCINES - THE TAMIFLU SCANDAL - DAVID SHAYLOR's SQUAT !! as well as launching the MCKINNON CAMPAIGN and holding the MET POLICE To account over the G20 Protest.

These are the issues that people want to read about - others include the RISING JOBLESS TOTAL which I am sure they will address soon - because it is a scandal that so many are being laid off work.

Whilst the EXPRESS continue to be a mouthpiece for the Government - RECESSION OVER anyone ? LOL and the TIMES and SUN continue to bat Murdoch's warped agenda ( whatever that is - perhaps he has lost the plot now ) The GUARDIAN is embarassed by Fascist New Labour and have gone into their shell and the INDEPENDENT is fighting for survival.........

So the DAILY MAIL is finally shaking off its middle England older reader tag and attracting the bright minds of all generations into debate about what REALLY is happening out there.

So a BIG YES to the DAILY MAIL and long may it continue on the side of the people.

Some further ideas for them would be the following :

THE GOLDMAN GANG : A campaign in the USA reckons that the GOLDMAN SACHS company planned the recession - remember PAULSON was their MD and BLAIR is on the payroll as well. They are now in massive profit after their competitors have been wiped out by the crunch. Very interesting idea and totally plausible and not yet reached the UK Media

THE BILDERBERG GROUP : Never front page news in the UK. UK Politicians keep going. The same faces. Would be good if the paper could interview each of them for their view on the Bilderberg Group and WHY they attend. Also why it is a secret conference !!! The Guardian basically just copied Ronson. The public deserve some answers from MANDY - CLARKE - OSBORNE ( or the UK GOLDMAN GANG ? )
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Re:does the Mail come here for tips ? 14 Years, 10 Months ago  
whilst I don't share all your conspiracies I believe the great meltdown was 'planned' in a sense that those in the financial sector knew it had to happen in the end.

The ultra greedy leading the ultra gullible into believing they can have it all except now they get a direct government hand-out when they crash.

The government's job is to control these excesses yet Nu Labour is in bed with corporatised Britain which make John Major's old Tories sleaze pale in comparison.

Next exposure!1..oh I've already done that haven't I..Olivia's missing former boyfriend and the February fax that got a crafty Texan PI a new deal with NBC!!
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Re:does the Mail come here for tips ? 14 Years, 10 Months ago  
I've boycotted the Daily Mail since their irresponsible insinuations about a residential school led to a major trawling operation and the devastation of many lives. One boy from the school even died after all the pressure that had been put on him to make an allegation. They showed at best a serious lack of judgement, and at worst a very sinister disregard for human life.
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Re:does the Mail come here for tips ? 14 Years, 10 Months ago  
The Mail is the best but the nastiest paper in Britain; clever, well written, bigotted and efficient.
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Re:does the Mail come here for tips ? 14 Years, 10 Months ago  
I dislike the Mail intensely. Nasty piece of work in my view.
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Re:does the Mail come here for tips ? 14 Years, 10 Months ago  
Quite agree, David. I don't read newspapers. The Daily Mail is the reason I don't read newspapers. From that simple piece of information it's an easy thing to extrapolate that I disagree strongly with their journalistic principles {ie none}, their editorial stance {unacceptable right wing bigotry} and their overall tone {more unnacceptable right wing bigotry presented by journalistists for whom priciples are a relic of a bygone age}. I suppose this is a charge which could be levelled at almost any newspaper. It's just that, while in terms of pure stupidity the Sun takes the biscuit with some of theirs, it always seem to be Daily Mail's headlines which appear to me to be the most frighteningly reactionary.
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Re:does the Mail come here for tips ? 14 Years, 10 Months ago  
Why is any more nasty than the other press - the other press seem to print the "Party Line" from the elite.

The Mail is the only newspaper that is willing to challenge the Government. I would say they are even better than the Tory party. Without the mail we would be in a total fascist state.
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Re:does the Mail come here for tips ? 14 Years, 10 Months ago

Brilliant - and proves what I am saying. This is REAL journalism - holding our leaders ( of any party ) to account.

For too long the press in the UK has been Parliament's poodle - now we have a real ROTTWEILLER in the Daily Mail.

They need to probe - ask questions of our leaders - and explain why our country is in such a mess when they have had their noses in the trough for so long.
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Re:does the Mail come here for tips ? 14 Years, 10 Months ago  
Our government is far more right wing than the Daily Mail.

Real examples :

Daily Mail against 42 days ; Government for 42 days

Daily Mail against extradition : Government for ex.

Daily Mail against ID cards ; Government for ID

Seems to me that the Daily Mail is following a libertarian road - and the other press who support the Government are the right wing fascists.

in the 1980s the Mail was a right wing rag - and I never even bothered reading it.

In 2009 the paper is now re-born. It has an open policy on reporting and that is why it is the most read internet Newspaper Site in the UK and possibly the World. It is REAL journalism.

90% of the stories quoted in this forum come from the Mail these days because it is the only paper reporting on things like FALSE ALLEGATIONS in a regular way. It is the only paper which allows both sides to comment on stories.

The Express had Diana on the front page for 5 years and then Maddie for 2 years and now Government propaganda. The Sun has no news anymore and follows the TV shows on its front pages like Big Brother etc.
The Times is a Government propaganda machine. The Telegraph is a tory party propaganda machine. The Guardian has lost its way. The Independent thinks it is a middle of the road Guardian. The rest are not worth writing about because they are so small or smutty.

The Daily Mail is easily the best paper in the UK. Long may it continue to hold governments of all colours to account and report on issues that interest the public.
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