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GOLDMAN SACHS : The Most Evil Bank in the World ?
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TOPIC: GOLDMAN SACHS : The Most Evil Bank in the World ?

GOLDMAN SACHS : The Most Evil Bank in the World ? 14 Years, 10 Months ago

Goldman Sachs are being blamed as "organising" the economic crisis.

It is bizarre that people like PAULSON was their President and then he goes into the White House and then hands them BILLIONS in taxpayers money - and then just 3 months later the same bank makes BILLIONS in profits and those working there gets 10s of millions in Bonuses.

Whilst all this is going on supposedly 30 million people in the USA are out of work with over 12 million claiming benefit.

I dont know much about these banks but everything I read about "greed" in these bankers seems to come back to Goldman Sachs.

This article says that they are going to play the "Jewish" card. Which stinks. They are just evil and bad people - not because they are Jewish - but because they are bad people.

Goldman Sachs actually own part of the music industry - THE MAMA GROUP. That is really sad and has a very bad karma to it.

Maybe all banks are bad ? The current crisis is theirs - not New Labours ( Though they have made it worse by giving our money to the banksters ) In fact they have all defrauded us of our money by charging ridiculous fees for their services and then gambling our money in the casinos ( Stock Markets ) with no thought to what would happen if they failed.

We should have let all these banks go to the wall when they failed. They are like drug addicts - they will never learn unless they go through "total withdrawal"

So the current crisis is destined to carry on for 10 maybe 20 years because the same people are in control and are still pouring taxpayers money down the drain in the pursuit of profit. It is even easier to waste that money - because they now know that Governments WONT LET THEM fail. It could not be better for GOLDMAN SACHS - they own us now and our Governments.
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Re:GOLDMAN SACHS : The Most Evil Bank in the World ? 14 Years, 10 Months ago  
And guess where Guy Hands learned his trade.
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Re:GOLDMAN SACHS : The Most Evil Bank in the World ? 14 Years, 10 Months ago  
Had not realised that......

How have EMI done during his "reign" ?

Seems to be a pattern taking place here
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Re:GOLDMAN SACHS : The Most Evil Bank in the World ? 14 Years, 9 Months ago  
Seems that they are 7 times bigger than most other banks in the UK in terms of profit.

Quite amazing in a recession how this company can make such massive profits.....
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Re:GOLDMAN SACHS : The Most Evil Bank in the World ? 14 Years, 8 Months ago

Just think - as the millions struggle with the CUTS planned by Osborne and Darling in the next few years - it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling that the GOLDMAN SACHS GANG are getting nearly £500K bonuses each year for the work they did in the last 12 months ROBBING the TAXPAYER of their hard earned money.

I called last year's bailout THE BIGGEST ROBBERY IN HISTORY - and right now GORDON CLOWN is being shown up as the BIGGEST FOOL in the history of the World. Far from saving the WORLD he actually diverted the TAX MONEY of the WORLD into the GOLDMAN GANG's VAULT - where they are literally cackling and laughing at how stupid GORDON CLOWN really is.

The GENERAL PUBLIC in the UK ( and USA ) are SOOOO STUPID to believe the CREDIT CRISIS fake story - when they sucked out the credit in order to ROB THE TAXPAYER.

When the truth of this leaks out to the ordinary people I can sadly see rioting on our streets and BURNING bankers.

I cant see the UK public taking the proposed 25% cuts next year - and I cant see them watching as the GOLDMAN GANG pays every employee a near HALF A MILLION POUNDS BONUS when they are expected to have a wage freeze or reduction.

This is where the money has gone and now it is becoming very clear to anyone who has been looking to see where the money went.

It is like the GOLDMAN GANG's birthday - christmas - barmitzpha - anniversary - coming all at once.

GORDON CLOWN - the biggest sucker ever in the history of the World. He will go down as the man who DESTROYED the public finances of the UK and USA because he was not clever enough to see the scam.....

PS Maybe he will write to Anne Robinson on WATCHDOG and complain to see whether she can ask the GOLDMAN GANG for our money back.
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Re:GOLDMAN SACHS : The Most Evil Bank in the World ? 14 Years, 8 Months ago  
SKY and BBC all over this story today - which is good.

Supposedly GORDON CLOWN can still cap their bonuses because they are not paid until the end of the year.

The b,onuses still have the fourth quarter pot to be added - so £500,000 is the starting point - it could be double that for all their employees.

I have no problem with people making money - but if that money is made at the expense of the poorest in society ( the cuts coming for the rest of us according to CLOWN and OSBORNE ) then that is quite simply immoral and wrong.

This is going to wreck any public support for cuts and the idea that we should all accept wage freezes etc.
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