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castration to be made compulsory for paedophiles under new Polish law
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TOPIC: castration to be made compulsory for paedophiles under new Polish law
castration to be made compulsory for paedophiles under new Polish law 14 Years, 8 Months ago  
Chemical castration to be made compulsory for paedophiles under new Polish law

Increased sentences,and on release chemical castration by mention of anything to do with false allegations,or wrongful imprisonment.

Wonder how long before Labour realise it could grab a few votes with the same strategy?
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Re:castration to be made compulsory for paedophiles under new Polish law 14 Years, 8 Months ago  
The reason why this wont be adopted by New Labour or the NWO is that castration actually would mean that they could not take away civil liberties from Paedophiles.

For instance a castrated GLITTER would then be allowed to go on holiday......

In addition prison sentences would be much shorter because they would no longer be a danger to the public.

Seeing as most of the people who are convicted of this sort of thing are in their mid 50s or 60s - for many of them having this "treatment" might not be so bad a deal ?

In countries where the age of consent is average 14 ( most of Europe ) this may be seen as a possible course of action......

I certainly believe in tough action against real paedophiles as would any decent person.
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Re:castration to be made compulsory for paedophiles under new Polish law 14 Years, 8 Months ago  
do they know chemical castration comes with age anyway?.

Perhaps they'll be banned from obtaining viagra.

There still needs to be an exstensive research into what causes people to rape, real pedophiles (as opposed to the phoney tabloid variety)and sex crimes which in the majority are more about violence and control.

Until politicians continue with their head in the sand "more law will cure everything" attitude they are personally responsible for future victims.
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Re:castration to be made compulsory for paedophiles under new Polish law 14 Years, 8 Months ago  
Good points BR.

Also, I do find the 'human rights' outrage a little contradictory. Would they rather these people spend a life in and out of prison, and having to live with the torture of knowing that their sexual urges can never be legally satisfied?

Most reports on this have stated that castration will only be for those guilty of 'raping' a person under 15. Bear in mind that the age of consent in Poland is 15 and that any consensual sex below the age of 15 is defined as rape. This punishment will also be given to those guilty of 'online grooming of minors under 15'. In other words, you could be castrated for chatting to a 14 year old online.

Furthermore, hormonal treatment isn't so clean. Alan Turing who underwent the same fate grew female breasts as a result it.
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Re:castration to be made compulsory for paedophiles under new Polish law 14 Years, 8 Months ago  
A number of people convicted of under-age sex in the UK, and so possibly in other countries too, are shown to have fallen in love with one individual who happened to be underage and not dangerously attracted to younger people in general. Is it right to castrate them in such cases? There was one former teacher in the news the last couple of years who is a perfect example. He was passed as acceptable to work with children but the media kicked up a fuss about his 18 month sentence for underage sex. Yes he'd had sex with a 15yr old pupil, and it was right that he be struck off for that breach of ethics, but he then went on to marry her and they stayed together for 17 years, and raised a family. There is no evidence, or even suggestion, that he made advances towards any other children.

Every law must be balanced with common sense, reason and justice. We had the Judicature Acts in the UK which stated that where common law and equity (fairness) clash then equity must prevail. It's quite likely that recent legislation has overuled those acts. Over the last couple of decades, centuries of well worked out, tried and tested laws and practices have been overturned. We now have no preumption of innocence, no burden of proof and we, as a nation, promote revenge and retribution rather than rehabilitation. We also now only have a conditional right to silence - the condition being that if we exercise our right it can be interpreted as an admission of guilt.

Our legal system is now not very far removed from that of Saudi Arabia or Vietnam where they openly admit that all are guilty until proven otherwise.

Poland is a member of the EU. If they are permitted to practice this policy then other EU countries might follow suit.

When you consider the large volume of false accusations and wrongful convictions in this area, it is an extremely worrying move. Such punishments cannot be reversed.
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Re:castration to be made compulsory for paedophiles under new Polish law 14 Years, 8 Months ago  
Just returned from a wonderful trip to Rome. And that posting was nothing to do with me.
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Re:castration to be made compulsory for paedophiles under new Polish law 14 Years, 8 Months ago  
Thank you LO and it was indeed a different IP as well as dodgy lower caps. Apologies.
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