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Why BROWN's vision of UK is unelectable
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TOPIC: Why BROWN's vision of UK is unelectable

Why BROWN's vision of UK is unelectable 14 Years, 8 Months ago  
I am sure he is a nice man. But the truth is clear to see for all of us.

Under BROWN the UK has lurched into a extreme place where Christians are arrested for their beliefs. False accusations are rife and encouraged by the Police and CPS. Real justice for victims of crime is laughed at and the Police ignore the ordinary people's pleas for help about ever increasing street violence and robbery and muggings to the point we have seen massive increases in deaths from knife crime and innocent people killed for complaining.

In addition our economy has been trashed by BROWN's stupid idea to BAIL OUT the bankers. Meaning that from next year POOR PEOPLE will be paying for RICH BANKERS to be able to sip champagne whilst watching FORMULA 1 races around the WORLD ( RBS ) whilst the POOR may have to pay extra taxes towards healthcare and education.

BROWN and his followers will all get jobs with the BANKS when they leave on 6 figure salaries ( Note BLAIR did this and is now stinking rich ) whilst the rest of us can look forward to massive tax increases - probably under the guise of ENVIRONMENTAL taxes ( which wont apply to the jet setting politicians and friends )

BROWN has singlehandedly put this country back 40 years financially - and in terms of race hate he has restored us to the dark ages. In religious terms he has restored us to Pre-Christian dark ages.

So why would anyone vote for a man who has done so much damage ? Blair was vain and was a fake. But he did not set out to destroy the country ( England ) Like Brown has done.

The BNP - are now very attractive to many. Why ? because New Labour under Brown have tried to destroy England through Illegal Immigration ( They even employ these people in their homes ) and anti English laws and anti English economic policies.

This is why the UK is in trouble and getting rid of BROWN is the first step to trying to solve the problems which we now face.

The next 5 years are going to be awful. 5 million unemployed - riots on the streets - salaries going down and prices rocketing sky high - taxes going up by stealth - and the reason for this is BROWN's mismanagement of the UK following on from BLAIR's vanity.

They are the LAUREL and HARDY of politics - blaming each other - fighting with each other - ignoring the problems the UK is facing because of their desire to be TOP DOG.

Guy Fawkes had the right idea when he tried to end this sorry excuse for a Political class
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