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Stunning Short Video by ICKE & JONES
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TOPIC: Stunning Short Video by ICKE & JONES

Stunning Short Video by ICKE & JONES 14 Years, 8 Months ago  
Last night the TOP USA Conspiracy Radio Theorist ALEX JONES and the TOP UK/WORLD Conspiracy Researcher came together on the air for 27 minutes to EXPLAIN what is happening in the World. It is a RALLYING call for the WORLD against the NWO. They need to know that LOVE will win and ICKE is "on fire" !!

This explains many of the ISSUES we are discussing on this forum - and that the UK news journalists are reporting.

This is all research based - not opinions. This video is MUST LISTEN if you want to be aware - the best info is in the second half of the video about POLICE IN SCHOOLS and FAMILY COURTS !!!

The aim is to destroy the FAMILY and take children away - hence the PAEDO scares ( now concentrating on WOMEN - now men are totally devalued )

The CRB and NEW LICENSE check - explained WHY they are bringing this in.

ICKE reveals WHO EXACTLY is behind the NWO !!!

This video is very important - please watch. It is a TRAILER for a longer interview on MONDAY.

" They are targeting anything that holds us together - religion included " ICKE

Be informed by this video - this is what OUR MEDIA is hiding from us. This is FACTUAL evidence - not based on SURVEYS like 90% of the BBC and UK MEDIA ( Surveys which are paid for by the NWO ) This is the NEWS as it would have been 30 years ago when we had a FREE media.

This FORUM is a rallying point for TRUTH in the UK and WORLD and ENTERTAINMENT industry. Keep the Faith everyone. Though it sounds Hippy New Age - Spread LOVE !!! it is what will save us as a species - our only hope.
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