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The Paedophile Grooming Health Authority
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TOPIC: The Paedophile Grooming Health Authority

The Paedophile Grooming Health Authority 14 Years, 7 Months ago

So 11 year old girls in Oxfordshire can text for their morning after pill before they skip to Primary School for lessons in the morning.

No doubt a raincoat clad Health Official will turn up at the school sweating profusely and hand over the PILL ( full of hormones and very powerful ) with no questions.

If anyone else even suggested this we would be JAILED for GROOMING.

Why is our STATE so hell bent on forcing Under 14s to have SEX ? Could it be that the majority of people working for OXFORDSHIRE HEALTH TRUST have a strange desire for young children and wish to see them become sexualised before they are ready ?

Once again the UK is leading the way with STATE SPONSORED PAEDOHILLIA.

Hopefully all this will end when New Labour are disposed into the dustbin of failed experiments in history.
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Re:The Paedophile Grooming Health Authority 14 Years, 7 Months ago  
Well Hell, Yeah, BR.... Then we can really get on with leading the world when it comes to underage pregnancies.
It's going on. We can't stop it, and the promotion doesn't stop with local Area Health Authorities {or whatever they call themselves nowadays}. Sex is marketed at kids by big business, not the Government. And they don't care who's in power. They're the people we should tackle. Not the Health Authorities, who are only picking up the pieces left behind by years of neglect... from education departments who don't have a clue about what's going on in kids' heads to community leaders {and your church must take its share of the responsibility here} who fail to lead and offer platitude rather than guidance . We've failed. To set an example, to stop the rot, to challenge the people who have turned children into, above all else, consumers. We've failed. Not the kids, not the people who have to deal with the results.
Right now kids are screwing each other stupid because WE have taught them that sex is the only thing that really matters and that they can afford. How else are they ever going to get to be like Paris Hilton? WE taught them this. We throw it at them night and day in adverts, in the soap operas and in the magazines. No one else is responsible. Just us. Rant over.
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