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The STOCK MARKET bubble ( New Labour Fraud )
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TOPIC: The STOCK MARKET bubble ( New Labour Fraud )

The STOCK MARKET bubble ( New Labour Fraud ) 14 Years, 7 Months ago  
Every FRIDAY afternoon a miracle has been happening due to Quantative Easing. The stock market is down but by the end of almost EVERY Friday session since MARCH it has ended up POSITIVE on the day. In fact over the week it generally has ended up positive.

QE is used to boost the shares with massive volumes being "bet" on RBS and LLOYDS every Week since March. The stock market follows the lead of the massive volumes being bet on these two state owned banks.

The last time this happened was in the COMMODITIES market with OIL. For week after week every FRIDAY afternoon in the UK and USA oil went up by 5+ dollars. It eventually took the price to nearly $150 dollars a barrell ( and created one of the causes of the slump )

Those who manipulated the market to this point then sold off until it dropped to less than $40 a barrell.

So based on this - as soon as the last $25 billion runs out ( should last a couple of weeks ) I can confidently predict a MELTDOWN in the STOCK MARKET in January - February unless they print yet more money.

The stock market will plunge to around 2,500 point or even 2,000 points. The bubble we are seeing has been created by the Bank of England.

If you are a small investor I would get out in December and count your money. There is no way Quant Easing will last forever, otherwise our currency would be worthless. In addition we are seeing share prices go up for companies who are basically making huge losses. British Airways made a massive loss - and its share price went up !!!!!! That is how silly this STOCK MARKET RALLY is. BA could go bust in January I reckon strike or no why are people throwing money at it - they are loonies.

We will see the biggest STOCK MARKET crash in history soon.......remember I predicted it and showed you why it would happen. The STOCK MARKET is like the cheap chicken which is now sold from supermarkets - full of water so when you cook it you see it shrink to half of the size you started with........

You have been warned if you have any savings in shares or pensions etc.

GOLD is still going up because the SMART investors know that when the stock market crashes GOLD will be the best investment of all unless you have put your money into your own property/food.
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